We will understand how to inject the shellcode we have written using the "CreateRemoteThread" api.
- Beginner assembly x86 knowledge
- C/C++ knowledge
- CMAKE knowledge (optional for build this project)
unsigned char shellcode[] = {
0x6A, 0x00, // push 0x0 -> UINT uType
0x68, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, // push 0xffffff -> LPCTSTR lpCaption
0x68, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, // push 0xffffff -> LPCTSTR lpText
0x6A, 0x00, // push 0x0 -> HWND hWnd
0xB8, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, // mov eax,0xffffff -> MessageBoxA PTR
0xFF, 0xD0, // call eax
0x31, 0xC0, // xor eax,eax
0xC3 // ret
This shellcode we wrote calls a function that takes 4 parameters. We want to see a message box in target app. When we examine the "messagebox" api, our shellcode is compatible. Click for more information about MessageBoxA
git clone https://github.com/byRespect/cpp-shellcode-inject
cd cpp-shellcode-inject
cmake .
wine shellcodetest.exe
⚠️ : The project must be compiled in x86 architecture. And the target application must be in x86 architecture.
- defuse.ca for assembly to byte or byte to assembly.