
Viktor: The Slack bot with a heart of gold!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A helpful slackbot with a heart of gold


This is really something I built for personal use. There are credential collection methods that rely on prebuilt routines that might prove specific to only my use case. Should anyone discover this and wish to use it, feel free to contact me and I'll work on adapting this to wider use cases.


  • py-package-manager cloned
  • bash enabled, not dash
# Check with
sh --version
# Change with
sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash


cd ~/venvs && python3 -m venv viktor
source ~/venvs/viktor/bin/activate
cd ~/extras && git clone https://github.com/barretobrock/viktor.git
cd viktor && sh ppmgr.sh pull

# Add service file to system
sudo cp viktor.service /lib/systemd/system/
sudo chmod 644 /lib/systemd/system/viktor.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable viktor.service


python3 -m pip install .
# or if you're me and want to complicate things for the sake of automation
sh ppmgr.sh pull


python3 run.py

Local Development

As of April 2022, I switched over to poetry to try and better wrangle with ever-changing requirements and a consistently messy setup.py file. Here's the process to rebuild a local development environment (assuming the steps in Installation have already been done):

Install poetry

I followed the guide in the poetry docs to install, following the guidelines for using curl. I'd recommend to my future self to just install with pipx next time, as that seems to do the trick without curling a remote file and executing :yikes: So:

# Prereq: sudo apt install pipx
pipx install poetry
# Confirm install
poetry --version

Updating deps

To update, change the deps in pyproject.toml, then run poetry update to rebuild the lock file and then poetry install to reinstall

Local testing

Testing with responses

For local testing with Slack responses, get a different terminal window open and initiate ngrok in it to test the webhook outside of the live endpoint

ngrok http 5003

Then in another window, run the script to get the bot/app running. Don't forget to change the URL in Slack's preferences.

App Info



  • Bot
    • emoji_changed
    • message.channels
    • message.groups
    • message.im
    • pin_added
    • pin_removed
    • reaction_added
    • user_change
  • User
    • None, ATM

OAuth Scopes

  • Bot
    • channels.history
    • *channels.join
    • channels.read
    • chat.write
    • commands (slash)
    • emoji.read
    • files.write
    • groups.history
    • groups.read
    • im.history
    • im.read
    • im.write
    • *incoming-webhook (CURL-based notifications)
    • mpim.read
    • pins.read
    • reactions.read
    • reactions.write
    • users.read
  • User
    • search.read

.* = Not necessary for the primary functions of the service.