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  • Curiousity.
  • A growth mindset.
  • A willingness to share.


By the end of this, developers should be able to:

  • Give a short talk at a professional conference.
  • Prepare a talk on a new topic.
  • Identify with confidence things known and things not yet known.

Brainstorming Activity

Let's free associate. Pick any topic to start with, and we'll generate as many topics as we can in 15 minutes.

Presentation Collateral

You may use any technology you wish to guide your presentation.

Slides are the traditional choice:

If you use slides, follow these guidelines:

  • No more than six lines per slide, six words per line, and at least 36 point font size.
  • You may wish to substitute words for pictures.
  • Do not read your slides.

Following these guidelines means anyone who downloads your slides likely won't know what your talk content is. That means you should upload your speaker notes, or better yet, make a blog post out of your presentation when you upload it to your portfolio.

We've chosen to present materials as READMEs on GitHub. There are many advantages, including:

  • Version control (naturally),
  • Code formatting and automatic highlighting,
  • Example code hosted alongside talk materials, and
  • Include as much context as you like.

However, presenting directly from speaker notes is dangerous. Do not fall to the temptation to read directly from your notes. Your notes are a gift to the audience for attending, not a replacement for attending.

If you want to use GitHub to host your talk materials, you could start with one or more of our template repositories:

Source code distributed under the MIT license. Text and other assets copyright General Assembly, Inc., all rights reserved.