
Angular2-based, Mean-Stack application. Authentication and user management starter. (RC4)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

CircleCI Build Status

Dependency Status devDependency Status

MEAN (angular2.rc4)

What we've got here

  • Typescript environment.
  • JWT-based authentication (naive, but ready to scale).
  • Server rendering via angular2-universal.
  • Bootstrap 4.


  • Users management and authentication sample
  • Complete angular2 workflow


Quick start

# clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/byavv/mea2n.git 

# change into the repo directory
$ cd mea2n

# install 
$ npm install


  1. Register new github application and fill secrets in "config.json" to get github authentication functionality.
  2. Fill sender email data in "config.json" to be able to send reset password emails.


Development build (by default):

$ gulp build

Production build:

$ gulp build --env production                   

Build client:

$ gulp build:client (--env production)

Build server:

$ gulp build:server


Builds all and starts server:

$ gulp


$ gulp test
$ gulp test:client
$ gulp test:server    
$ gulp test:e2e