- 2022
- Prompts
- Contributions
- Day 01 | Part-to-Whole
- Day 02 | Pictogram
- Day 03 | Historical
- Day 04 | Flora
- Day 05 | Slope
- Day 06 | Data Day: Our World in Data
- Day 07 | Physical
- Day 08 | Mountains
- Day 09 | Statistics
- Day 10 | Experimental
- Day 11 | Circular
- Day 12 | Theme Day: The Economist
- Day 13 | Correlation
- Day 14 | 3-Dimensional
- Day 15 | Multivariate
- Day 16 | Environment
- Day 17 | Connections
- Day 18 | Data Day: OECD
- Day 19 | Global Change
- Day 20 | New Tool
- Day 21 | Down/upwards
- Day 22 | Animation
- Day 23 | Tiles
- Day 24 | Theme Day: Financial Times
- Day 25 | Trend
- Day 26 | Interactive
- Day 27 | Future
- Day 28 | Deviation
- Day 29 | Storytelling
- Day 30 | Data Day: UN Population
Contributions to the #30DayChartChallenge
Renewable Energy Consumption
Code: 2022/01/01-waffle_renewable.R
Bundesliga Champions
Code: 2022/01/01-bundesliga.R
Code: 2022/02/02-pictogram.R
Code: 2022/03/03-historical.R
Code: 2022/04/04-trees-cgn-combined.R
Code: 2022/05/05-slope-wordle.R
Code: 2022/06/06-owid-working-hours.R
Code: 07-physical-nba.R
Code: 2022/08/08-mount-everest.R
Code: 2022/08/08-mountains-de.R
Code: 2022/09/09-all-too-well.R
Code: 2022/10/10-experimental-macbeth.R
Code: 2022/11/11-circular-sunshine.R
Code: 2022/12/12-theme_day_economist.R
Code: 2022/13/13-correlation.R
Code: 2022/14/14-3dimensional.R
Code: 2022/15/15-multivariate.R
Code: 2022/16/16-environmental.R
Code: 2022/17/17-connected.R
Animated version:
Code: 2022/18/18-oecd.R
Code: 2022/19/19-global-change.R
Code: 2022/21/21-price-of-gasoline.R
Code: 2022/22/22-animation-temperature.R
Code: 2022/22/22-global-change.R
Code: 2022/23/23-tiles-house-prices.R
Code: 2022/23/23-tiles-temp-de.R
Code: 2022/24/24-ft.R
Code: 2022/25/25-trends-polls.R
Code: 2022/26/polling-trends
App: https://awol.shinyapps.io/polling-trends/
Video of the app in use: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/42520206/165275612-45329bde-710d-471e-818e-ea850a8bdd3c.mp4
Code: 2022/27/27-gtrends-what-will-happen.R
Code: 2022/28/28-deviation.R
Code: 2022/29/polls/29-storytelling-polls.R