
IaC for a fake Transaction Service powered by AWS ApiGateway, EventBridge and Lambda

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Transaction Service IaC

This is a CDK project to create AWS IaC for a fake Transaction project.

What does it do ?

  • Transaction service receives either deposit or withdrawal events via http POST to API gateway AWS Lambda producer function
  • These events are sent to AWS EventBridge where they are then re-routed based on EventBridge rules to specific consumer lambda functions
  • If these Lambda functions are successful then they just log a success message
  • If these Lambda functions fail, then the event is sent to a deadLetterQueue to be re-tried

The stack


Consists of:

  • Default region VPC
  • Two Lambda REST API Gateway endpoints
    • POST /transaction/deposit
    • POST /transaction/withdrawal
  • An API Gateway triggered Lambda function that puts events in EventBridge
  • Four consumer Lambda functions that consume events from EventBridge based on different rules
  • A dead letter queue for each of the consumer Lambda functions for events that fail

Pre-requisites for Local Testing and Deploy

  • Ensure you have a .env file if you want to dpeloy from local (see .env.example)
  • Make sure you have .aws/credentials file. This is what it looks like:
  • And a .aws/config file:


  • You can run the test suite (inside ./test/) included with the stack with
npm test

Deploy from Local


  • To view/generate the CloudFormation template
    cdk synth --profile default


  • To deploy the stack
    cdk deploy --profile default

Deploy via CI/CD (Github Actions)

  • Deployment pipeline via Github Actions (see .github/workflows/deploy.yml)
  • To deploy to stage dev, merge/push to dev branch
  • To deploy to stage prod, merge/push to prod branch

Destroy the stack

  • to destroy the stack and remove all created resources simply run
    cdk destroy --profile default

Sample Event

// POST https://liz92p0to8.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/prod/transaction/deposit
// HEADER x-api-key xxxxxXXXxXXxXXXXXxxx
    "location": "US",
    "amount": 45,
    "cardNumber": 45566541332646,
    "bankId": 4052