
[CVPR 2024] Official pytorch implementation of "HarmonyView: Harmonizing Consistency and Diversity in One-Image-to-3D"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

[CVPR 2024] HarmonyView: Harmonizing Consistency and Diversity in One-Image-to-3D

This repository contains the official pytorch implementation of the paper: "HarmonyView: Harmonizing Consistency and Diversity in One-Image-to-3D". In this repository, we release codes for the improved version of Syncdreamer with a novel diffusion sampling technique.


HarmonyView for one-image-to-3D. HarmonyView generates realistic 3D content using just a single image. It excels at maintaining visual and geometric consistency across generated views while enhancing the diversity of novel views, even in complex scenes.


  • 2023.12.26: Initial Release.


  • Please make sure that your gcc version is higher than 8.
conda create -n syncdreamer python=3.8
conda activate syncdreamer
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install git+https://github.com/NVlabs/tiny-cuda-nn/#subdirectory=bindings/torch
pip install git+https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git
  • Download nvdiffrast from here. Then, install nvdiffrast.
cd nvdiffrast
pip install -e .
cd ..
  • Download checkpoints for ViT-L-14 and syncdreamer-pretrain here.
  • Make sure you have the following models.
|-- ckpt
    |-- ViT-L-14.ckpt
    |-- syncdreamer-pretrain.ckpt

Sample image sets and generate meshes

  • Download our sampled images and logs for training NeuS here.
  • Make sure you have the following structures.
|-- output_gso
    |-- alarm
    |-- backpack
    |-- ...
|-- output_gso_renderer
    |-- alarm-0-neus
    |-- alarm-1-neus
    |-- ...
  • Or, you can also sample images and train NeuS to get 3D surface if needed.
object_name="alarm backpack bell blocks chicken cream elephant grandfather grandmother hat leather lion lunch_bag mario
 oil school_bus1 school_bus2 shoe shoe1 shoe2 shoe3 soap sofa sorter sorting_board stucking_cups teapot toaster train turtle"


## Sample Images - Train NeuS - Export Mesh
for object in ${object_name}
  python generate.py --ckpt ckpt/syncdreamer-pretrain.ckpt --sample_num ${NUM_SAMPLES} --cfg_scales ${SCALES1} ${SCALES2} --decomposed_sampling --input gso-eval/${object}/000.png --output output_gso/${object} --elevation 30 --crop_size -1
  for id in $(seq ${NUM_SAMPLES})
    python train_renderer.py -i output_gso/${object}/$((id-1)).png -n ${object}-$((id-1))-neus -b configs/neus.yaml -l output_gso_renderer

Calculate evaluation metrics

  • Evaluate PSNR, SSIM, LPIPS, E_flow, Chamfer Distance, and Volume IoU. We also provide a code for calculating the statistics.
object_name="alarm backpack bell blocks chicken cream elephant grandfather grandmother hat leather lion lunch_bag mario
 oil school_bus1 school_bus2 shoe shoe1 shoe2 shoe3 soap sofa sorter sorting_board stucking_cups teapot toaster train turtle"


## Eval PSNR, SSIM, LPIPS, E_flow, Chamfer Distance, Volume IoU - Calculate Statistics
for object in ${object_name}
  python eval_consistency.py --pr output_gso/${object} --gt gso-eval/${object} --name ${object} --num_samples ${NUM_SAMPLES}
  python eval_nvs.py --gt gso-eval/${object} --pr output_gso/${object} --name ${object} --num_samples ${NUM_SAMPLES}
  python eval_CD_score.py --pr output_gso/${object} --name ${object} --num_samples ${NUM_SAMPLES}
  for id in $(seq ${NUM_SAMPLES})
    python eval_mesh.py --pr_mesh output_gso_renderer/${object}-$((id-1))-neus/mesh.ply --gt_mesh gso-eval/${object}/model.obj --gt_name ${object}

python gso_nvs_statistics.py --log output_gso --num_samples ${NUM_SAMPLES} --num_objects ${NUM_OBJECTS}
python gso_mesh_statistics.py --log output_gso_renderer --num_samples ${NUM_SAMPLES} --num_objects ${NUM_OBJECTS}
  • Please refer to the example scripts for detailed instructions how to reproduce our results.

Your Own Images

(Optional) pre-processing

  • If your image does not contain alpha-channel, predict foreground mask as the alpha channel.
python foreground_segment.py --input <image-file-to-input> --output <image-file-in-png-format-to-output>

Sample diverse multi-view images.

python generate.py --ckpt ckpt/syncdreamer-pretrain.ckpt \
 --sample_num ${NUM_SAMPLES} --cfg_scales 2 1 --decomposed_sampling \
 --input <image-file-to-input> --output <output-folder-to-output> \
 --elevation ${elevation} --crop_size ${crop_size}
  • Detailed explanations are described in SyncDreamer.
  • --sample_num : How many instances you want to generate.
  • --input : Path for your own image.
  • --output : Path for output folder.
  • --elevation : An elevation angle of the input image in degree.
  • --crop_size : The input image is resized to 256*256 and the object is resized to crop_size.

Train NeuS

  • Please select a good generated image set (We provide an example code for 0.png)
python train_renderer.py -i <output-folder-to-output>/0.png -n neus -b configs/neus.yaml -l <output-folder-to-output>


This codebase borrows from most notably SyncDreamer and NeuS. Many thanks to the authors for generously sharing their codes!


If you find this repository helpful for your project, please consider citing our work. :)

  title={HarmonyView: Harmonizing Consistency and Diversity in One-Image-to-3D}, 
  author={Woo, Sangmin and Park, Byeongjun and Go, Hyojun and Kim, Jin-Young and Kim, Changick},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.15980},