
Database system for AI-powered apps

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


CS6422 Coursework Project

Integration of SnowFlake with EvaDB, Database system for AI-powered apps

Goal: Utilize Snowflake with EvaDB

Key features to implement:

  1. Support ‘CREATE DATABASE WITH ENGINE “snowflake”’
  2. Support SQL APIs including but not limited to ‘SELECT’, ‘FROM’, ‘LIMIT’, ‘DESCRIBE’, ‘JOIN’, etc.
  3. Support workflow automation using ‘CREATE JOB’

Key components to implement the key features:

  1. The middle layer connects EvaDB with the Snowflake, which should be able to a. Handle authorization works b. Translate SQL queries on EvaDB to Snowflake APIs c. Send API calls to the Snowflake database and get returned data

Ways to implement:

  1. Add “snowflake” and related functions to the existing EvaDB codebase along with the currently supported PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL, and MariaDB.
  2. Write parsers and script functions to translate SQL query on EvaDB to snowflake API calls

Implementation details:

  1. Modify the parser on evadb/parser to accept SnowFlake as a valid third-party database schema and make parsing functions to pass queries to the handler
  2. Write SnowflakeHandler on third_party/databases/snowflake to handle queries related to SnowFlake a. Connect(): utilizes snowflake.connector module to connect SnowFlake with given parameters(id, password, etc.). The original implementation here was to connect the database with a new connector for every query, but this time snowflake connector is implemented as a static object inside the handler to support the non-context switch after ‘USE DATABASE’ and ‘USE SCHEME’ queries. (The original method didn’t support new queries in the ‘DATABASE’ context after ‘USE DATABASE’ query because of new initialization) b. _pg_to_python_types(): added SnowFlake-supported data types here c. Get_tables() and get_columns(): changed functions to utilize self.execute_native_query to get desired data d. get_sqlalchmey_uri(): added snowflake-type sqlalchemey uri here

Tutorial - Review Analysis and Respond with SnowFlake and ChatGPT

Github: https://github.com/bygo7/evadb-snowflake/tree/staging/test_snowflake


"CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE review_table(name VARCHAR(10), review VARCHAR(1000))"
 "INSERT INTO review_table (name, review) VALUES ('Customer 1', 'I ordered fried rice but it is too salty.')",
 "INSERT INTO review_table (name, review) VALUES ('Customer 2', 'I ordered burger. It tastes very good and the service is exceptional.')",
"INSERT INTO review_table (name, review) VALUES ('Customer 3', 'I ordered a takeout order, but the chicken sandwidth is missing from the order.')"
"SELECT * FROM review_table"
  "Is the review positive or negative. Only reply 'positive' or 'negative'. Here are examples. The food is very bad: negative. The food is very good: postive.",
FROM snowflake_data.REVIEW_TABLE;
  "Respond the the review with solution to address the review's concern",
FROM snowflake_data.REVIEW_TABLE
  "Is the review positive or negative. Only reply 'positive' or 'negative'. Here are examples. The food is very bad: negative. The food is very good: postive.",
) = "negative";


From "SELECT * FROM review_table"
[         name                                             review
0  Customer 1          I ordered fried rice but it is too salty.
1  Customer 2  I ordered burger. It tastes very good and the ...
2  Customer 3  I ordered a takeout order, but the chicken san...]

From the first ChatGPT query title

From the second ChatGPT query title

Lessons learned

  1. EvaDB’s scalable structure through adding SnowFlake as another third-party database model
  2. Learned about APIs for databases, especially SnowFlake, and APIs for LLMs, especially OpenAI


https://evadb.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ https://colab.research.google.com/github/georgia-tech-db/eva/blob/staging/tutorials/14-food-review-tone-analysis-and-response.ipynb#scrollTo=QCX7gDJuiV15 https://docs.snowflake.com/en/developer-guide/sql-api/index https://docs.snowflake.com/en/developer-guide/python-connector/python-connector-api https://docs.snowflake.com/en/developer-guide/python-connector/sqlalchemy

