- Added LinkedIn email enumeration
Email-Enum searches mainstream websites and tells you if an email is registered!
- Firefox
- Selenium => 3.14
- Click => 7.0
- Termcolor => 1.1
- PyFiglet => 0.8
git clone https://github.com/Frint0/email-enum.git
cd email-enum
chmod +x setup.sh
docker build -t emailenum .
docker run --rm -it emailenum <target email>
python3 check.py email@gmail.com
or ./check.py email@gmail.com
- More Websites
- Username Enumeration
- Increased Verbosity
- More arguments
- Non-Headless mode
and much more...
This program is done entirely via web scraping, if a website changes its element variables or layout, you might need to wait for an updated version of Email-Enum or feel free to contribute.