
Level One - just username and password

Level Two - encryption

npm install mongoose-encryption

Using Environment Variables to Keep Secrets Safe

npm install dotenv dotenv

Add this to top of app.js: require('dotenv').config()

Create a .env file at top level of the project. Add environment variables on new lines in the form of NAME=VALUE.

Access with process.env.KEYNAME

Level Three - Hashing passwords with MD5

npm i md5 md5

Level Four - Salting and Hashing passwords with bcrypt

npm install bcrypt bcrypt

Level Five - Use Passport.js to add cookies and sessions

npm install passport passport-local passport-local-mongoose express-session

Level Six - OAuth 2.0 - Sign in with Google

Passport-google-oath20 mongoose-findorcreate npm install passport-google-oauth20 npm install mongoose-findorcreate

Google API - credentials for testing Authorized JavaScript origin: http://localhost:3000 Authorized redirect URI: http://localhost:3000/auth/google/secrets