
Demo project for Lumos profiler.

How to use

Start server

dotnet tool restore
dotnet lumos start // it will start the profiler server

Start the desktop app

You can just press the 'Start' button in the IDE or just run via CLI inside expAvaloniaLumos.Desktop. When you are done, you can close the app. The server should produce the telemetry.json file that you can open on the speedscope website.

Start the android app

Not in the moment. I am working on it. I need to figure out how to inject modified assemblies.

Hot it works

The command dotnet lumos start starts server that will listen to the connection from the client app. The client app has the 'Lumos.Profiler.Client' nuget. Then, in the main method, we have the next snippet:

var profiler = new ProfilerClient();
_ = profiler.Connect(IPAddress.Parse(""), 15000);

It will try to connect to the Lumos Profiler Server via IP address and port at the start of the app. Also, inside the csproj we have the following target that will modify assemblies to send telemetry:

<Target Name="MakeItMeta" AfterTargets="AfterBuild">
    <Exec Command="dotnet makeitmeta inject --config .\makeitmeta.json" />

The makeitmeta.json looks like that:

  "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/byme8/MakeItMeta/main/schema.verified.json",
  "targetAssemblies": [
  "additionalAssemblies": [
  "attributes": [
      "name": "Lumos.Profiler.Attributes.TelemetryAttribute"

The targetAssemblies is the list of assemblies to modify.

The additionalAssemblies is the list of additional assemblies that will be injected.

The attributes is the list of attributes that should be injected.

In our case, it is Lumos.Profiler.Attributes.TelemetryAttribute, because there are no limitations, it is injected in every method and property. As a result, every method or property will produce telemetry.

Here you can have a quick look how the attribute is implemented.

Also, there is a way to limit the set of methods and properties. You can have a look at the expAvaloniaLumos/expAvaloniaLumos.Desktop/avalonia.makeitmeta.json