

Used Version:


Test Page Information:

  • Test Page 1:
    • OnAfterGetRecord -> Rec.CalcFields -> Error
  • Test Page 2:
    • OnAfterGetRecord -> NewRec = Rec -> NewRec.CalcFields -> No Error
  • Test Page 3:
    • SelectLatestVersion in OnAction trigger -> OnAfterGetRecord -> Rec.CalcFields -> No Error
  • Test Page 4:
    • Blob Field shown on the Page -> OnAfterGetRecord -> Rec.CalcFields -> No Error
  • Test Page 5:
    • Blob Field hidden on the Page -> OnAfterGetRecord -> Rec.CalcFields -> No Error

First Test:

To reproduce the error in the first test page 62001:

  • Open the page
  • Add some entries as shown: 3
  • Mark the second or third entry
  • Click on “Run Action” (two times) o First time: Test Bool will be switched to “true” o Second time: Error

Second Test:

To reproduce the error in the first test page 62001:

  • Reopen the page after you got the error.
  • The second entry (if selected before) has Test Bool set to true now: 4
  • Mark the second entry
  • Click on “Run Action” (the error will come up directly and the page will be closed; then you can’t start the page again until you clean your cache)