
Final project for Advanced Computer Graphics course

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Final project for Advanced Computer Graphics course. Link to our final report


Our group has decided to render a simple detective themed scene for our final project. As we are a group of three with limited background in game design, web design, and otherwise interactive computing, we have decided to keep our tasks focused to the scope of this course. That is, each of us will contribute to this project by rendering one component of the scene. The detective scene will include three basic components, all three dimensional in nature. Each of these components can stand alone and be rendered by an individual group member regardless of the state of the other components. Thus, we avoid pipelining halts.

Task Allocation

The first component is a textured surface, chosen to be crumpled paper. The paper may include elements of text, which can be noise-generated, but the focus will be to sample noise to produce an uneven three-dimensional surface (not just a two-dimensional skin). Perhaps the paper will even utter lightly with some wind. The techniques required to render the paper may include noise sampling, signed distance functions and ray tracing. This component will be handled by Xiaotian Yang. The second component is some noise-related motion, chosen to be a smoking cigar. The cigar may also be textured to look more realistic, but the focus is on animating the smoke using noise-generated motion. Additional interactions may be introduced, such as the smoke path being altered by some wind. The techniques required to render the cigar and smoke may include noise sampling, ray tracing and matrix transformations in time. This component will be handled by Erich Doclaf. The third component is warped glass, chosen to be a magnifying glass. The magnifying glass may have some texture, such as a metallic rim and leather handle, but the focus is on creating the glass surface and warping e�ect. If possible, the glass may even show some faint re ection of the surrounding room. The techniques required to render the magnifying glass include ray tracing, lighting techniques and matrix transforms in space. This component will be handled by Akirabha Chanuntranont.

Final Scene

In the final product, these components will be put together to make a scene reminiscent of a detective's desk. That is, these components will likely be layered and will ideally interact with each other. For example, the magnifying glass will magnify the creases and texts of the paper, and the cigar smoke will dance whistfully in the air, possibly curling around the edges of the other components. After we have completed a minimum working product, we may seek to include further details, such as wood texturing for the desk. To emphasize the idea that all components can work together, the stage of the final scene will rotate steadily in time, so each component will eventually overlap another and some interaction (either correct layering of objects or correct magni cation of objects) will take place. Hopefully, we will have an interactive component where the user can move around the camera and choose arbitrary lighting.


3D objects
