
Setup a vscode environment for development & analytics with python

Primary LanguageMakefile

How to develop

With the command line ⌨️


To run linter and static analysis tools in your local environment, install the following:

  • ruff
  • mypy


  • make build: build docker container
  • make run HOST_JUPYTER_PORT=8888: run a jupyterlab server locally and expose it to the port 8888
  • make rm: remove the notebook container
  • make unittest: run unittests
  • make unittest TEST_OPTS="-k test_run": run only the tests matching the pattern
  • make logs: show logs
  • make bash: enter a shell session in the container
  • make lint: check lint (requires to run make install-linters)
  • make fix-lint: fixes lint errors (requires to run make install-linters)
  • make clean: removes all temporary files (may require sudo)

With vscode 🖱️


  • Install vscode
  • Recent docker version (>17)
  • Install vscode remote-containers extension with code --install-extension ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack

How-to 📖

  • 🔨 Build the remote container

    • Clone and open this repository with vscode
    • Open the Command Palette and select Remote-Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container...
    • Select the root directory of this repo, wait for the container to start, and try things out!
  • 📜 Show logs

    • Open the Command Palette → select Output: Focus on Output View
  • ⌨️ Open a terminal

    • Open the Command Palette → select Terminal: Create New Terminal
  • ✏️ Edit code

    • Open main.py
    • Try adding some code and check out the language features.
    • Try auto-complete: hit cmd+space
  • 🏃 Run a file

    • Go to src/play/main.py
    • Open the Command Palette -> Python: Run python file in terminal
  • 🐛 Debug

    • Open main.py
    • Add a breakpoint on any line (at the left of a pan, before the line number)
    • Press F5 to launch the debugger -> select run the current file in debug mode
    • Once the breakpoint is hit, try hovering over variables, examining locals, etc.
    • Go to the debug console (in the same pane as the terminal) to directly interract with the variables!
  • ✔️ Run test

    • Go to tests/test_main.py
    • Open the Command Palette -> Test: Run Test at Cursor to select a single test function
    • To debug a test:
      • set breakpoints
      • Open the Command Palette -> Test: Debug Test at Cursor
  • 📓 Run a jupyter notebook inside the devcontainer

    • Make sure that "jupyter.jupyterServerType": "local" is set in in .vscode/settings.json
    • Make sure that your vscode is running in the devcontainer
    • Open the sample.ipynb file
    • If requested, select the python interpreter installed in your docker image
    • Select a cell and run it with ctrl+enter (same as in usual jupyter notebook webui)
  • 🔁 Run a python interactive window

    • Go to main.py
    • Open the Command Palette -> Jupyter: Run current file in interactive window
    • If requested, select the python interpreter installed in your docker image
    • Type # %% to split cells in the main.py
    • Type shift + enter to run a cell and go to next cell
    • Type ctrl + enter to run cell (and stay in the same cell)
    • Type help(somefunc) and execute it to show full docstring
  • 📓 + 🪐 Run a jupyter notebook in a remote jupyter server

    • Make sure that your vscode is not running in your decontainer!
    • Start manually your jupyter server locally (for instance) by typing jupyter notebook .
    • Copy the uri and the token generated in the terminal
    • Go to notebooks/sample.ipynb
    • Open the Command Palette -> jupyter: specify local or remote server
    • Paste the jupyter server uri with the token in the box
    • Click on popup to reload workspace
    • Try to run a cell in the notebook
    • On the popup, select the python kernel you want to use
    • You can run the notebook!

    Warning! There are several potential issues with using a remote jupyter server: it does not behave as you would expect.

    • You cannot connect to an existing kernel.
    • The lifecycle if bound to your vscode session:
      • When you close your editor, ther kernel will be killed.
      • You cannot execute jobs in the remote jupyter kernel overnight because of this! For such use cases, it is recommended to simply use the standard jupyter notebook/lab interface.
    • See this github issue for more details and how it should be resolved.
  • 🔨🔨 Rebuild a container in vscode devcontainer

    This is needed when you change a dependency, the Dockerfile, extensions or some other setting, etc.

    • Open the Command Palette -> select Remote-Containers: Rebuild Container
    • Open the Command Palette -> select Remote-Containers: Rebuild Container without cache
    • Note that your extensions are also cached in a docker volume by default. To force rebuilding it, delete first the volume with docker volume rm play-vscode-analytics-extensions-cache-volume (the volume is declared in settings.json). Doc.


  • Auto-generate docstring for functions by typing """ and then Enter.
  • Add this to the top of a notebook to enable autoreload of python source files
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
  • If a file is slow to save, try disabling the actions on save such as formatting, linting, etc. in the settings.json
  • To improve build time, you may enable DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 in your environment or in the Docker Desktop app
  • Type F8 to cycle through errors
