
simple curry with parameter nested object

Primary LanguageJavaScript

npm NPM

other language


The nested-curry is library exported as Node.js modules. it provide a curry functions that support nested objects.


Using npm:

$ npm i nested-curry

In Node.js:

const curry = require("nested-curry")
const sum = ({a, b, c}) => a + b + c
console.log( sum({a : 1})({b : 2})({c : 3})() ) // output : 6


simple currying

It can pass as a regular parameter just like any other currying function.

let sumed = curry((...nums) => nums.reduce((a,b) => a + b))  
console.log(sum(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)()) //15;

nested parameter

Case of nested objects, if the object to be overwritten has the same structure, properties that are not changed are maintained.

let printPerson = curry(({age,name:{first,last}}) => `${first} ${last} is ${age} ages.`)
  age: 20,
  name: {
    last:"T. Dingle"
console.log(printPerson() //`Jeffrey T. Dingle is 20 ages.`
console.log(printPerson({name:{first:"Kevin"}})()) //`Kevin T. Dingle is 20 ages.`


cured parameter objects remain immutable.

let sayHello = curry(({str}) => `hello ${str}!`)
let param = {str:"curry"};
let helloToCurry = sayHello(param);
param.str = 'cutlet'
console.log(helloToCurry()) //'hello curry!'

If you want to keep the mutable state, you can pass the option below when passing the function for the first time.

let options = { mutable : true }
let sayHello = curry(({str}) => `hello ${str}!`, options)
let param = {str:"curry"};
let helloToCurry = sayHello(param);
param.str = 'cutlet'
console.log(helloToCurry()) //'hello cutlet!'

combined curry

General parameters and object parameters can be used at the same time.

let returnResult = curry((...params) => params)
let returnMixed = returnResult
let result = returnMixed(); 
console.log(result) // [{ foo1: 'bar1' },1,{ foo2: 'bar3', foo123: 'bar321' },2,3,{ '0': 'apple', '1': 'banana' },null]

curry chaining

By passing a function multiple times, you can implement a pipelined implementation like the one below.

Previous parameters come last.

let tagging = ({tagName}, children) => `<${tagName}>${children}</${tagName}>`  
let boldRice = curry(tagging)({tagName:"b"})('rice');
console.log(boldRice()) //`<b>rice</b>`

let removedBoldRice = boldRice(tagging)({tagName:"del"})
console.log(removedBoldRice()) //`<del><b>rice</b></del>`)

let styledBoldRice = boldRice(({style,id},child) => 
`<span id="${id}" style="${ 
  Object.entries(style).map(([key,id]) => `${key}:${id};`)
console.log(styledBoldRice()) //`<span id="bigrice" style="fontSize:1.2em;color:#4CAF50;"><b>rice</b></span>`