
Build an ordering api that calculates an order total, including discounts and taxes.

Order API Challenge

Design and build an api that can calculate the results of an order. Use the defined schemas and payloads provided below to meet the requirements of this challenge.

Order Schema

The order schema is defined in the orders_api.yml file in this directory. This follows the Open Api Specification if you are not familiar with it, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with this tool

Creating an Order

An order can be created by sending a POST request to your api. After an order has been created it can be retrieved through a GET request with a uuid in the url.

POST /orders
  uuid: 'a76ee7b0-7f9e-4443-899c-f4be0faddee3',
  line_items: [
      uuid: '7cd7f0ef-8265-4593-95ea-dd7c2bb6396d',
      name: 'Hamburger',
      price: 875,
      tax_rate: 0.0625
      uuid: '6d419f88-b53f-49e2-af0a-832444d6ed41',
      name: 'Water',
      price: 235,
      tax_rate: 0.0625
      uuid: '47dfb3e6-b892-40b8-9ce6-f769c6e15537',
      name: 'Beer',
      price: 1025,
      tax_rate: 0.0825
  discounts: [
      uuid: '88140f25-f314-493b-ad81-32932f1ae4cc',
      name: '$1 off beer',
      type: 'amount',
      amount: 100,
      apply_to: '47dfb3e6-b892-40b8-9ce6-f769c6e15537'
      uuid: 'b1d52ea0-141b-4363-a42d-3bbd0b851222',
      name: '10% membership discount',
      type: 'percent',
      amount: 0.10,
      apply_to: 'a76ee7b0-7f9e-4443-899c-f4be0faddee3'

Adding a LineItem to an Order

A LineItem can be added to an order through the PUT /orders/:uuid endpoint

PUT /orders/a76ee7b0-7f9e-4443-899c-f4be0faddee3
  line_items: [
      uuid: '7cd7f0ef-8265-4593-95ea-dd7c2bb6396d',
      name: 'Hot Dog',
      price: 475,
      tax_rate: 0.0625

Adding a Discount to an Order

A discount can be added to an order through the PUT /orders/:uuid endpoint. This can be done alongside line items or separately. A discount can be applied to a single item or to the order as a whole. A discount can be a percentage or an amount.

PUT /orders/a76ee7b0-7f9e-4443-899c-f4be0faddee3
  discounts: [
      uuid: 'b1d52ea0-141b-4363-a42d-3bbd0b851222',
      name: '10% membership discount',
      type: 'percent',
      amount: 0.10,
      apply_to: 'a76ee7b0-7f9e-4443-899c-f4be0faddee3'

Calculating Tax on an Order

All returns of an order should have correctly calculated the tax for that order. The valid result should take into account the tax rates or lack of tax rates on specific items.

  uuid: 'a76ee7b0-7f9e-4443-899c-f4be0faddee3',
  line_items: [
      uuid: '7cd7f0ef-8265-4593-95ea-dd7c2bb6396d',
      name: 'Hamburger',
      price: 875,
      tax_rate: 0.0625
      uuid: '6d419f88-b53f-49e2-af0a-832444d6ed41',
      name: 'Water',
      price: 235,
      tax_rate: 0.0625
      uuid: '47dfb3e6-b892-40b8-9ce6-f769c6e15537',
      name: 'Beer',
      price: 1025,
      tax_rate: 0.0825
  tax_total: 154,
  total: 2289

Calculating the total of an Order

All returns of an order from the api should have a correctly calculated total of the order. The following criteria is how an order total should be calculated:

  1. Apply order discounts
  2. Apply line item discounts
  3. Apply taxes
  4. Rounding should be done to the closest penny.
POST /orders
  uuid: 'a76ee7b0-7f9e-4443-899c-f4be0faddee3',
  line_items: [
      uuid: '7cd7f0ef-8265-4593-95ea-dd7c2bb6396d',
      quantity: 1,
      name: 'Hamburger',
      price: 875,
      tax_rate: 0.0625
      uuid: '6d419f88-b53f-49e2-af0a-832444d6ed41',
      name: 'Water',
      quantity: 1,
      price: 235,
      tax_rate: 0.0625
      uuid: '47dfb3e6-b892-40b8-9ce6-f769c6e15537',
      name: 'Beer',
      quantity: 1,
      price: 1025,
      tax_rate: 0.0825
  discounts: [
      uuid: '88140f25-f314-493b-ad81-32932f1ae4cc',
      name: '$1 off beer',
      type: 'amount',
      amount: 100,
      apply_to: '47dfb3e6-b892-40b8-9ce6-f769c6e15537'
      uuid: 'b1d52ea0-141b-4363-a42d-3bbd0b851222',
      name: '10% membership discount',
      type: 'percent',
      amount: 0.10,
      apply_to: 'a76ee7b0-7f9e-4443-899c-f4be0faddee3'
  tax_total: 132,
  total: 1954


  • You can assume that you will transact in USD.
  • You can assume that orders will not be submitted more than 20 per second.
  • You can use any datastore that you want.
  • Discounts can stack (more than 1 for the order or any line item)
  • An order total should never go below 0

Technical Requirements

  • Your API should be publicly available for us to test.


Contact the proctor of your test if you have any questions or feedback about this challenge.