xbAV Frontend-Test

It would be great if you could build a small “To-do list” Web App. The web app should provide 2 parts:

  • the client
  • the server


You can use the technologies you prefer (Vanilla Js, Vue.js, React, Angular, Bootstrap, Vuetify, MaterialDesign and so on). Anyway, if you could use Vue.js it would be great for us. The requirements are the following:

  • The user can add To-Dos. (Title, description, due date) - The user can see the list of To-Dos
  • The user can filter the list by title
  • The user can edit a To-Do
  • The user can delete a To-Do Bonus:
  • Nice look&feel
  • Usability
  • Responsive
  • Readable code
  • Data persist after closing/reopening the browser - Unit test


It must not be a “production” server. Something very basic it’s fine. The requirements are the following:

  • It would be good if it could be based on Node.js
  • It provides the API for Client


  • Readable code
  • Save / Write data on a json

We don’t expect a perfect Web Application, just give us a glimpse of what we can expect from you.

How to run

Client: cd client && yarn install && yarn serve

Server: cd server && bundle install && ruby todo_list.rb