
A local HTTP server for cordova applications to load files from the device file system

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A local HTTP server for cordova applications to load files from the device file system.

This package may have issues. It has not been extensively tested.


This package will automatically start up a cordova based http server that will server all files from the application filesystem.

See the included example app for cordova downloads and offline loading.

This package is a workaround of this issue meteor/meteor#3799 Cordova based meteor apps can use cordova to download files to the filesystem, but they are unable to load files from "file://" based urls into the app.

`<img src="file://something.png"/>` will fail even if the file exists

With this local http server running you can now load assets from the local filesystem

`<img src=""/>`


CordovaFileServer is exported from this package and available on the client.

CordovaFileServer.httpd is cordova.plugins.CorHttpd

CordovaFileServer.httpUrl is the local url - usually ""


  • Option for manual start of server
  • Ensure server is up on resume
  • Extract secondary package from example that deals with file urls, downloads, etc

Version History


  • Initial Release