
No oil painting but it does serve

Primary LanguageShell




Openresty proxy with following features:

  • LetsEncrypt HTTPS
  • SSO via nginx auth requests
  • Simple static site hosting (with optional path proxying)
  • Dynamic config updates via Gomplate remote datasources

Docker image available on docker hub.


The nginx config is generated from the yaml structure using Gomplate.

Gomplate supports many kinds of datasources ( local file, remote file over http, git, you name it!).

By default the proxy expects the config file at /etc/lurch/apps.yaml.

This can be modified with env:


Alternatively the config can be passed directly as env with:


The config looks like this:

  - name: my-service
      - name: www
        enabled: 'true'
        enableClientCerts: false
        enableSsl: true
        baseUrl: local.foo.bar
      type: remote
      port: 9111
      host: app.upstream.com

See test/apps.yaml to see examples


Sending a SIGHUP to the container will rebuild the template and reload openresty.


An app can have multiple subdomains

Top level options

Service options Required Default Description
workerConnections false 1024 No of worker connections
proxyReadTimeout false 120 Read timeout to upstream
proxySendTimeout false 120 Send timeout to upstream
sendTimeout false 120 Send timeout
readTimeout false 120 Read timeout
authRequestRedirect false Where to redirect to if auth request fails
authRequestUpstream false Where to send auth requests to
authRequestCookie false Name of cookie to take bearer token from
letsEncrypt.endpoint false Endpoint for letsencrypt
resolver false DNS resolver ip

service options

Service options Required Default Description
name true The service name
subdomains true The subdomains for the service
origin true The origin settings for the service

subdomain options explained

Subdomain options Required Default Description
name true The subdommain
enabled true Whether or not the domain is visible
enableSsl true Whether or not to apply ssl server side
enableLetsEncrypt false false Whether or not to apply auto ssl
enableSso false false Whether or not to shield with single-sign-on
enableClientCerts true Whether or not to require client ssl cert as well
baseUrl true Base domain for the sub domain
port false 443 The port to listen on publicly for this domain
clientMaxBodySize false 20m Max upload body size

origin options

If origin.type = "remote"

Remote options Required Default Description
host true The host to proxy to
port true The port to proxy to

If origin.type = "local"

Local options Required Default Description
root true The root dir where the files are hosted
errorPages false Error pages config
pathRules false Array of pathRules

pathRules options explained

Path Rules options Required Default Description
type true One of [ prefix ]
path true The url path to apply the rule to
stripPath false Strip the path value when proxying requests
origin true Origin object

Example yaml:

type: prefix
path: "/api/"
stripPath: true
  type: remote
  host: nginx-api.web
  port: 80

errorPages options explained

This is an object where keys are the http status code. Each status code key value is an object with one property file.

  file: 404.html

NOTE: A subdomain of 'www' also will be available at 'foo.bar' or whatever the base-url is set to.


Static Site Which Proxies /api to Upstream

  - name: static
      - name: static
        enabled: 'true'
        baseUrl: test.com
        enableSsl: false
        port: 80
      type: local
      root: "/data/static/html"
        - "/index.html;"
          file: "/404.html"
        - type: prefix
          path: "/api/"
          stripPath: true
            type: remote
            host: backend.web
            port: 80

Error pages

The default error page can be overridden by changing the template file: /etc/lurch/error.html. Note that the syntax in error.html is for resty.template, not golang templating Check lua/error_page.lua.

SSL Defaults

A default certificate needs to be supplied, even when using letsencrypt (in case issuance fails).

Lurch generates a self-signed one for you automatically, but should you need to add your own, lurch expects a server.crt and server.key and placed in /usr/local/openresty/nginx/ssl/<baseUrl>/.

FYI: A subdomain with no port will default to 443