
Wiredrive Developer Test submission, along with a couple of code samples.

Primary LanguagePython


Wiredrive Developer Test submission, along with a couple of code samples.


Clone This Repository

> git clone https://github.com/byrondover/wiredrive_devtest.git

Install ffmpeg

You'll need ffmpeg installed to run this app. On FreeBSD, you can install it as follows.

> sudo pkg install pkgconf ffmpeg

Setup Virtual Environment

If you haven't already, configure and activate a Python virtual environment. Requires ISO 8601 compliant shell (e.g. bash, zsh, etc.).

> cd wiredrive_devtest/
> sudo -H pip install virtualenv
> virtualenv venv
> . venv/bin/activate

Install Prerequisite Python Libraries

(venv)> pip install -r requirements.txt


Once you have a virtual environment configured and activated, simply launch app.py!

(venv)> python ./app.py
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 * Restarting with stat

You should now be able to view this app by navigating to the appropriate hostname and port your browser. If you're running app.py locally, this link should launch the app: http://localhost:5000.