My DevOps Days talk for Birmingham, 2022; enter issues, get in touch with me, or review the slides / my outline here!
- Overcommitment punch card from @leah_pierson on Twitter
- KC Green's Gunshow Comics' for the ubiquitous This is Fine; KC Green is the world's greatest living cartoon man. His Twitter is here.
- The late Stephen Hillenburg for everyone's favorite harbinger of greed, Mr. Krabs.
- Matt Groening as Billy West as Fry
- Simpsons stills are from Frinkiac
- [Also the late C. Martin Croker, plus Andy Merrill, plus Alex Toth and the whole entirety of Space Ghost; the link is to Merrill because he's still alive and doing things on Cameo and elsewhere]; some SGC2C is available here.
- Heathcliff elevates the modern anti-joke to new levels and is my personal favorite orange cat in the newspaper.
If I missed anything, or misrepresented anything, those errors are wholly my own.