
Adds calendar index view to ActiveAdmin resources

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

activeadmin index as calendar

Gem Version

ActiveAdmin plugin that adds calendar index to ActiveAdmin resources. It uses fullCalendar JQuery plugin to render resource collection to a calendar view.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'activeadmin-index_as_calendar', github: 'bys-control/activeadmin-index_as_calendar'

In app/assets/javascripts/active_admin.js add

//= require index_as_calendar/application

In app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.css.scss add

@import "index_as_calendar";

Finally, run bundle install


Basic usage

To render default calendar for your AA resource do

ActiveAdmin.register Invoices do


This will render a default calendar view with default event options:

events = collection.map do |item|
    id: item.id,
    title: item.to_s,
    start: item.created_at.blank


ActiveAdmin.register Invoices do

  index_as_calendar ({:ajax => true, :includes => [:partner]}) do |item|
      id: item.id,
      title: item.partner.name,
      start: item.issue_date,
      url: "#{admin_invoice_path(item)}",
      tooltip: {
       title: "Due date #{item.due_date.to_s}",
       text: item.balance.blank? ? nil : item.balance.to_s
      color: item.balance>0 ? (item.due_date.blank? ? 'green' : (item.due_date <= DateTime.now.beginning_of_day ? 'red' : 'olive' )) : 'green',
      textColor: 'white'

The helper function index_as_calendar receives a hash with configuration parameters and a code block that should return a hash with the mappings of model fields to event fields. Rendered events can be configured as specified in fullCalendar documentation.

Configuration parameters defaults to:

default_options = {
  :ajax => true,   # Use AJAX to fetch events. Set to false to send data during render.
  :model => nil,   # Model to be used to fetch events. Defaults to ActiveAdmin resource model.
  :includes => [], # Eager loading of related models
  :start_date => :created_at, # Field to be used as start date for events
  :end_date => nil, # Field to be used as end date for events
  :block => block # Block with the model<->event field mappings