EMNLP 22' (Oral): SQUIRE: A Sequence-to-sequence Framework for Multi-hop Knowledge Graph Reasoning

Primary LanguagePython

SQUIRE: A Sequence-to-sequence Framework for Multi-hop Knowledge Graph Reasoning

This is the official codebase of the SQUIRE drawingframework for multi-hop reasoning, proposed in SQUIRE: A Sequence-to-sequence Framework for Multi-hop Knowledge Graph Reasoning.


We present SQUIRE, the first Sequence-to-sequence based multi-hop reasoning framework, which utilizes an encoder-decoder structure to translate the triple query to a multi-hop path. Here is an overview of our model architecture:

This is the PyTorch implementation of our proposed model.

Training SQUIRE

To reproduce our results or extend SQUIRE model to more datasets, follow these steps.

Generate training set

First generate mapping files and query-path pairs as training set with utils.py under data/ folder, run the following command:

python utils.py --dataset FB15K237 --gen-mapping --gen-eval-data --gen-train-data --num 6 --out 6_rev --max-len 3

To run our model on new datasets, it suffices to provide train.txt, valid.txt, test.txt files.

If using rule-enhanced learning, first generate mapping files by running:

python utils.py --dataset FB15K237 --gen-mapping --gen-eval-data

Then, our model utilizes AnyBURL to mine logical rules. We provide a convenient script run.sh under AnyBURL/ for mining and filtering high confidence rules (please modify the dataset name in run.sh and config-learn.properties). The above step helps generate rule.dict containing high quality rules under the dataset folder, or alternatively you can use the rule.dict files we've already generated for you. Then go to data/ folder and run:

python utils.py --dataset FB15K237 --gen-train-data --num 6 --out 6_rev_rule --max-len 3 --rule

Note that we are currently using BFS to search for query-path pairs in training set, which might take up to an hour on our experiment datasets. We are planning to optimize our code for speed-up.

Training and Evaluation

The following commands train and evaluate (on link prediction) SQUIRE model on all four datasets with GPU 0, where --iter is added to apply iterative training strategy during training. Check argparse configuration at train.py for details about each argument. Remember to tune the vital hyperparameters, including lr, num-epoch, label-smooth, prob and warmup, so that SQUIRE can achieve promising performance on new datasets.


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train.py --dataset FB15K237 --embedding-dim 256 --hidden-size 512 \
    --num-layers 6 --batch-size 1024 --lr 5e-4 --dropout 0.1 --num-epoch 30 --save-dir "model_1" \ 
    --no-filter-gen --label-smooth 0.25 --encoder --save-interval 5 --l-punish --trainset "6_rev_rule" \ 
    --prob 0.15 --beam-size 256 --test-batch-size 8 --warmup 3 --iter


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train.py --dataset NELL995 --embedding-dim 256 --hidden-size 512 \
    --num-layers 6 --batch-size 1024 --lr 1e-3 --dropout 0.1 --num-epoch 30 --save-dir "model_2" \
    --label-smooth 0.25 --encoder --save-interval 10 --l-punish --trainset "6_rev_rule" \
    --prob 0.15 --beam-size 512 --test-batch-size 2 --no-filter-gen --warmup 10 --iter --iter-batch-size 32


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train.py --dataset FB15K237-20 --embedding-dim 256 --hidden-size 512 \
    --num-layers 6 --batch-size 1024 --lr 1e-4 --dropout 0.1 --num-epoch 40 --save-dir "model_3" \
    --no-filter-gen --label-smooth 0.25 --encoder --save-interval 10 --l-punish --trainset "6_rev_rule" \
    --prob 0.25 --beam-size 256 --test-batch-size 4 --iter


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train.py --dataset NELL23K --embedding-dim 256 --hidden-size 512 \
    --num-layers 6 --batch-size 1024 --lr 5e-4 --dropout 0.1 --num-epoch 100 --save-dir "model_4" \
    --no-filter-gen --label-smooth 0.25 --encoder --save-interval 10 --l-punish --trainset "6_rev_rule" \
    --prob 0.15 --beam-size 512 --test-batch-size 4 --iter --iter-batch-size 32

To evaluate a trained model (for example, on FB15K237), run the following command. To apply self-consistency, add --self-consistency command and keep beam_size = 512. Add --output-path command to observe the top generated correct path by SQUIRE. Remember to modify the --dataset to your desired test dataset name.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train.py --test --dataset FB15K237 --beam-size 256 --save-dir "model_1" --ckpt "ckpt_30.pt" --test-batch-size 8 --encoder --l-punish --no-filter-gen


Please cite our paper if you use our method in your work (Bibtex below).

   title={SQUIRE: A Sequence-to-sequence Framework for Multi-hop Knowledge Graph Reasoning},
   author={Bai, Yushi and Lv, Xin and Li, Juanzi and Hou, Lei and Qu, Yincen and Dai, Zelin and Xiong, Feiyu},