
A simpe splitedb + index to store and search vectors

Primary LanguagePython



Vabbathevutt is a small, hackable, (and slow) library that laverage Annoy and SQLite to store vectors and do similarity search.

Vabbathevutt is very early stage, contatins bug and is not seriously tested.


Because I was into a project involving lots of image embedding that needed to be stored.

I knew about Pinecone (also mentioned at the end of this readme) but I didn't want to learn a new module, make yet another account and rely on an external service (over the internet)... so I simply decided to solve the problem my own way.

How to

First: install the requirements and download the library (eg. with git clone).


# import numpy just to create example vectors
import numpy as np
# import the VectorSpace class
from vector_space import VectorSpace

# instantiate a space (with a name and the size of the vectors that will be inserted)
vs = VectorSpace("my_fat_space", dimensions=42)

# insert some vector
# you can also insert vector with a key to reference them in you system
vs.insert_vector(np.random.rand(42), pk=2)

# then you can ask the space for similar vectors
similar_vector_indices = vs.get_similar_vectors(
    np.random.rand(42), top_n=2, include_distances=False
# and get the closest stored vector in the db

# eventually, you can delete everything

Under the hood

When you istantiate a VectorSpace, the library creates a DbManager (which handles a connection to an SQLite database stored on a file called as the space) and a list of VectorSpacePartitionStats.

VectorSpacePartitionStats just contains a VectorSpacePartition and some information on it (which are used to make decision during operations on the VectorSpace).

The VectorSpacePartition contains a TableHandler and a VectorIndex. Those are used respectively to store the vectors inserted in the space and to search for similar vectors in the space using the Annoy module. When a vector is inserted, it is stored in a table on the SQLite database and the index gets updated (by deleting it and rebuilding it).

More things you can controll

  • The VectorSpace can be created with a insertion_speed parameter. Every insertion is timed and if the time taken is greater than insertion_speed than a new VectorSpacePartitionStats is instantiated and on next insertion it is very likely to be used as target for new vectors (since the new instance is smaler, it will take less time to keep the VectorIndex updated).

  • Also, the VectorSpacePartition handles max_unsynched_vectors. It allows you to store vector in the database without updating the index. It defaults to 0. Every operation in the VectorSpacePartition that modifies the space (insert_vector, update_vector, remove_vector) increments a counter which eventually signals a VectorIndex update.

  • You can also change the distance Annoy uses to calculate similarity. In the VectorIndex class there's vector_distance_metric which can be set to Literal['angular', 'euclidean', 'hamming', 'dot'] (euclidean is default).

There is also a little timer class to be used in the with construcotr to time operations.


To run the library you need

  • numpy (you can run pip install --user numpy)
  • Annoy (can install with pip install --user annoy)

To Do

As written before, this library is very early stage and i have lots of ideas on what to add.

Other Notes

Plot metrics

Do you want to plot some metric, like the size of vector space partition or the insertion time? I found plotext usefull enought.

import plotext as plt

plt.scatter( [s.vector_space_size() for s in vs.spaces] )
plt.title("Scatter Plot")

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