A typical text consists of sentences that are glued together in a systematic way to form a coherent discourse. Shallow discourse parsing is the task of parsing a piece of text into a set of discourse relations between two adjacent or non-adjacent discourse units. We call this task shallow discourse parsing because the relations in a text are not connected to one another to form a connected structure in the form of a tree or graph.
More can be found in CoNLL site.
In this project, I extracted features word pair
, production rules
and dependency rules
. And I added first last pairs
to increase accuracy. After extract the features, I used Mutual Information to decrease dimentions and trained the model with maxent
classifier in ntlk
. Final results reached accuracy of 40.7 on the test data set. More results can be found in the Project report.(in Chinese)
: some files for training
: some open tool libraries for feature extraction
: some models saved
: directory for save files generated in testing
: some functions for data cleaning
: constants in programs
: test program
:train program
: some functions for generating train data
: standard scorer program
: the default test output
java -version >= 1.8.0 ntlk 3.0.0 sklearn
For train: python mytrain.py The default output is 'train.model'
For test: usage: mytest.py [-h] [rule] file
test model with options rule all: generate dependency rules and production rules drule: generate dependency rules prule: generate production rules none: use generated rules file test data file required
python mytest.py all test_pdtb.nosense.json
The default output is 'predict.json'
If you have any problem running the program, contact ahshenbingyu@163.com
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[2] Chen, D., & Manning, C. D. (2014). A Fast and Accurate Dependency Parser using Neural Networks.
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[4] Ziheng Lin, Hwee Tou Ng, and Min-Yen Kan. (2010). A PDTB-Styled End-to-End Discourse Parser
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