The Nanojs Language

Nanojs is a minimal subset of javascript.

Nanojs is fast and secure because it's compiled/executed as bytecode on stack-based VM that's written in native Go.

/* The Nanojs Language */
var fmt = import("fmt")

var each = function(seq, fn) {
    for (x in seq) { fn(x) }

var sum = function(init, seq) {
    each(seq, function(x) { init += x })
    return init

fmt.println(sum(0, [1, 2, 3]))   // "6"
fmt.println(sum("", [1, 2, 3]))  // "123"


  • Simple and highly readable Syntax
    • Dynamic typing with type coercion
    • Higher-order functions and closures
    • Immutable values
  • Securely Embeddable and Extensible
  • Compiler/runtime written in native Go (no external deps or cgo)
  • Executable as a standalone language / REPL

Quick Start

go get

A simple Go example code that compiles/runs Nanojs script code with some input/output values:

package main

import (


func main() {
	// Nanojs script code
	src := `
var each = function(seq, fn) {
    for (var x in seq) { fn(x) }

var sum = 0
var mul = 1
each([a, b, c, d], function(x) {
	sum += x
	mul *= x

	// create a new Script instance
	script := nanojs.NewScript([]byte(src))

	// set values
	_ = script.Add("a", 1)
	_ = script.Add("b", 9)
	_ = script.Add("c", 8)
	_ = script.Add("d", 4)

	// run the script
	compiled, err := script.RunContext(context.Background())
	if err != nil {

	// retrieve values
	sum := compiled.Get("sum")
	mul := compiled.Get("mul")
	fmt.Println(sum, mul) // "22 288"
