
Rock 3a support

Closed this issue · 19 comments

Would it be possible to add support for the Rock 3a, or would it already be compatible?

I will report back, my sd card will arrive tomorrow, had no spare one laying around

i have a kali base system in a docker container, a build for the Rock 3a should be possible but i have no device to test it

if we stay in contact i will make it possible to run kali linux on rock 3a

the kali kernel supports the Rock 3a Board and the bootloader is the same, maybe you have to configure /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf with your screen resolution but the image should work for Radxa Rock 3a

Hi, I got some feedback. I wrote the image to sd-card a few times, but it's not booting. The blue light never starts flashing. and get nothing on screen.

I downloaded the armbian image and that works fine. So there might be a slight issue with the image.

I will try to redownload. maybe the image was corrupt

i will try to make a build for you, but i have no own rock 3a board

Thanks, I will happily test it and let you know if it runs

Try it and let me know if it works or not:

hi, thanks, it boots and after login its trying to install the packages, but it gives an error:
"You don't have enough space in /var/cache/apt/archives/"

Is that to do with the resize script? I think it didn't run in my case or something.

Also, on boot there are a few errors:

Yes it is the auto resize root script, that doesnt work, can you resize the root partition manually?
If the answer is yes, flash your sd card with the image you got from me and let it install xfce, then everything should work, i will try to add another resize sscript i wrote for the rock 4 se.
If the answer is no, let me know this and i build a new image for download

at the moment i compress the new image with auto resize rootfs and pre-installed xfce. In a few hours there's a new image availible. i will let you know when it's uploaded.

Please reportt if it works or not, or close the issue if it works


just checked it out, it does not seem to be booting. The blue light comes on, and stays on, no blinking. I left it like that for about an hour. But nothing happened.

i made a new build again you need a wired internet connection for the auto installation of the xfce desktop