
Example to integrate ByteArk Lighthouse plugin for Video.js with Vue.js

Primary LanguageVue

ByteArk Lighthouse Plugin for Video.js with Vue.js Example

This project is an example usage for ByteArk Lighthouse Plugin for Video.js with Vue.js to collect video watching statistic and diagnostic network issues.


  • Video.js v6 or v7 with VHS plugin


  1. Add lighthouse-videojs-plugin.min.js to script tag before your vuejs app
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://byteark-sdk.cdn.byteark.com/lighthouse/videojs/@latest/lighthouse-videojs-plugin.min.js"></script>
  1. In your VideoPlayer component before creating videojs instance add a ByteArk Lighthouse middleware to Video.js
videojs.use('*', window.ByteArkLighthouse.middleware)
  1. Set video detail to video player by using options below. The required fields are videoId and title.

Option #1

Set video detail to sources object in VideoJS's options when create video player.

// 'player-id-here' is the ID of <video> or <div> element of the player.

const player = videojs('player-id-here', {
  sources: [{
    src: 'https://inox-bhm9yr.cdn.byteark.com/video-objects/RI2PimuHxDXw/playlist.m3u8',
    type: 'application/x-mpegURL',
    videoId: 'RI2PimuHxDXw',
    title: 'BIG BUCK BUNNY',
    subtitle: 'Big buck bunny sample video',
    poster: 'https//qoder.byteark.com/images/video-frames/1/GU/cg/1GUcghrocmlz-large.jpg',
    lighthouse: {
      user: {
        userId: 'user-id-here',

Option #2

Set video detail when call player.src() function

// player is instance of VideoJS.

  src: 'https://inox-bhm9yr.cdn.byteark.com/video-objects/RI2PimuHxDXw/playlist.m3u8',
  type: 'application/x-mpegURL',
  videoId: 'RI2PimuHxDXw',
  title: 'BIG BUCK BUNNY',
  subtitle: 'Big buck bunny sample video',
  poster: 'https//qoder.byteark.com/images/video-frames/1/GU/cg/1GUcghrocmlz-large.jpg',
  lighthouse: {
    user: {
      userId: 'user-id-here',

Video detail fields

name type required description
videoId string yes videoId from ByteArk service
title string yes title of video
subtitle string no episode name or short description
poster string no poster url of video
lighthouse object no lighthouse object
lighthouse.user object no user object
lighthouse.user.userId string no User id in your system
  1. Initialize ByteArk Lighthouse Plugin by call init function by pass videojs player instance and options
// Replace 'lighthouse-project-id-here' with your project's ID.

window.ByteArkLighthouse.init(player, {
  projectId: 'lighthouse-project-id-here',
  debug: true,
  1. Try to see the result. If it's work, there should be something logging in your web browser's developer console.

ByteArk Lighthouse Opions

name type require description
projectId string yes ByteArk Lighthouse's projectId
debug boolean no enable/disable debug log

Disable debug log

Set debug: false in options when init ByteArk Lighthouse