Pay-per-call-API demo

This demo shows how easily payment through Obyte payment channels can be implemented on an existing API. It relies on pay-per-call-API library.


The server expects to receive a POST request including a payment package, if the payment corresponds to the price set for a request then it sends the next sport fixtures happening within 2 days encoded in JSON formats. If payment doesn't match, it refunds the payment by sending a payment package for the same amount. We run an instance at, so you don't have to run it by yourself.


Require nodejs version 8 or higher.


git clone

npm install


Run the client

node client

Since it is based on an headless Obyte node, it will produce a similar output. Enter a device name and a passphrase (both optional), then note the single address of your client, it looks like this:

====== my single address: CMAP2GE7GEE7Z7TEQCEDXC2WYMCDAZ5R

Your client has to be funded with some testnet bytes, download the testnet wallet and get testnet bytes from the faucet chat bot. Then send them to your client's address, your client is now ready to request the paid API.

Make a request to the API (the first request may take a few seconds)

node client --request

Make a request to the API with a payment amount different than default

node client --request --price 70000

Close the channel

node client --close

Web dashboard

A web dashboard for channel monitoring can be accessed from your browser at http://localhost:8080

web dashboard