
Watch Obyte bonded stablecoins and post event notifications on Discord

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Stable coins Discord bot

Watch the Obyte bonded stable coins and post a notification on Discord when something happens.

Important: works only with NodeJS version 11.


  • npm install
  • Run with node start.js, it will create an app data directory in ~/.conf/stablecoins-discord-bot then fail due to configuration missing
  • While logged on Discord webapp, create an application at https://discord.com/developers/applications
  • Select the application, select bot in menu, copy the bot token
  • Copy .env.sample file to .env and complete it with the bot token and the channel id the bot will post to
  • While logged on Discord, use the following url template to add the bot to your server: https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=881946977754038272&scope=bot&permissions=2048, client_id can be found in the General Information of your Discord application (Application ID), permissions should be 2048 to allow only posting message.
  • Run the bot with node start.js