untis4j - a java API for webuntis
Click here to get the latest version of the API (dependencies included)
untis4j is a rich java API for the webuntis timetable / schedule software and is inspired from the python webuntis api
and another java webuntis api.
It support almost all webuntis request and is easy to use. If a request method is missing,
you can easily implement the method yourself with the Session.getCustomData(...)
- Java 8 or higher
java library
Just download the latest untis4j.jar file, implement it into your project and start coding :)
To get an overview about all classes and methods, read the docs.
Note: For the Session.login(...)
method a server and a school name is required. To gain these you have to go to webuntis.com, type in your school and choose it.
Then you will be redirected to the untis login page. The url of this page is, for example https://example.webuntis.com/WebUntis/?school=myschool#/basic/main
The server is the beginning of the url https://example.webuntis.com
and the school name is the parameter after the ?school=
, in this case it is myschool
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Session session = Session.login("your webuntis username", "your webuntis password", "https://example.webuntis.com", "myschool"); // create a new webuntis session
for (Timetable.Lesson lesson: session.getTimetableFromKlasseId(LocalDate.now(), LocalDate.now())) { // get the timetable and loop over it
System.out.println("Lesson " + String.join(", ", lesson.getSubjectIds()) + " from " + lesson.getStartTime() + " to " + lesson.getEndTime()); // print the subject and the lesson time (from x to y)
session.logout(); //logout
} catch (LoginException e) { // this exception get thrown if something went wrong with Session.login
System.out.println("Failed to login: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) { // if an error appears this get thrown
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args){
try {
Session session = Session.login("your webuntis username", "your webuntis password", "https://example.webuntis.com", "myschool"); // creates a new webuntis session
Klassen klassen = session.getKlassen(); // get all klassen which are registered on the server
Klassen.KlasseObject myKlasse = klassen.findById(1234); // find an klasse by its id
System.out.println("Name of my klasse: " + myKlasse.getLongName());
session.logout(); //logout
} catch (LoginException e) { // this exception get thrown if something went wrong with Session.login
System.out.println("Failed to login: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) { // if an error appears this get thrown
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Session session = Session.login("your webuntis username", "your webuntis password", "webuntis.grupet.at", "demo_inf"); // creates a new webuntis session
Response response = session.getCustomData("getAMethodThatIsNotImplemented"); // requests the custom method
if (response.isError()) { // you can easily check if the response contains an error
} else {
JSONObject responseObject = response.getResponse(); //get the response...
JSONObject result = responseObject.getJSONObject("result"); //...and read it
session.logout(); //logout
} catch (LoginException e) { // this exception get thrown if something went wrong with Session.login
System.out.println("Failed to login: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) { // if an error appears this get thrown
The API use web scraping to receive the necessary data. Theoretically, web scraping is illegal, but I've never heard of anybody getting any webuntis disadvantages because of it (ban or something like this). You can use caching to minimize your server requests and the risc of being discovered by an admin.
Caching is available since the last few commits and allows to use saved request responses.
The advantages of caching are the obviously faster answer when the same things are requested, that the server does not have to send as much data and in case of internet loss data can still be accessed.
Caching is activated by default, but can use Session.useCache(...)
to enable / disable it.
This project is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 (LGPL-3.0) - see the LICENSE file for more details.