- arnauLondon
- attila-linNetEase Game
- bokuwebJapan
- chiefbiikoBerlin
- CircuitCoderTsinghua University
- CYBAITokyo
- detailyangEarth
- devMYCFisker, Inc.
- discosultanAmsterdam, The Netherlands
- ethanhs@NVIDIA
- fitzgenright behind you
- gentoidSzczecin, Poland
- isgasho
- Jake-Shadle@EmbarkStudios
- jaredgorski@liferay @liferaycloud
- johnrjj@0xProject @trader-xyz
- JohnTitor@SSK-TBD
- koushiroEarth
- krircc
- kuyTokyo, Japan
- LooMaclinRust
- mssun@apache
- mytxd
- raviqqeOn the Internet
- rjammala
- sepirophtparis
- shirshak55Texas, United States
- sksat@arkedge
- smorimoto@ocaml @tc39
- teh-cmc@rerun-io
- totem3Tokyo
- wangzishiIllusion Tech
- wdv4758hTaipei, Taiwan
- xeqlol@tinkoff
- YoshiTheChinchillaWorldwide
- yoshuawuyts@microsoft