AI Accelerator Benchmark focuses on evaluating AI Accelerators from a practical production perspective, including the ease of use and versatility of software and hardware.
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No such file or directory: 'general_perf/datasets/open_squad/dev-v1.1.json'
#123 opened by yaoyixuejava - 1
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llm_perf 厂商接入时torch的版本问题
#116 opened by yizhou-xu - 2
#118 opened by Yi-sir - 2
请教下目前 model_zoo 中提供的 fp32 的模型,有提供工具或者方法快速转换为 fp
#38 opened by eric-yq - 0
[CPU] missing
#115 opened by zhengy001 - 0
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【llm_perf issue】using byte_infer_perf/llm_perf/ to test chatglm, but meet multi-process competing
#112 opened by danielhua23 - 0
llm perf with vllm server
#104 opened by At1a8 - 2
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#71 opened by incomingflyingbrick - 3
#73 opened by incomingflyingbrick - 2
python 3.10.12无法启动
#72 opened by incomingflyingbrick - 1
llm_perf not running
#67 opened by ronysun - 1
运行gpt2-torch-fp32 task 遇到的2个问题
#49 opened by longerzone - 1
SD-Vae-decoder 输入是否有误?
#44 opened by Ivorfeng - 1
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can not run gp2 on habana gaudi2
#34 opened by ZhaiFeiyue - 2
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'PerfEngine' object has no attribute 'pre_compile_config' when the get_best_batch_size() implemented in the backend
#3 opened by jackzipu - 2