
Sui NFT Smart contracts maintained by the Origin Byte team

Primary LanguageMoveApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

  • Sui v0.12.1


This codebase requires installation of the Sui CLI.

Built and Test

  1. $ sui move build to build the available move modules
  2. $ sui move test to run the move tests
  3. ./bin/publish.sh to publish the modules on localnet or devnet


A new approach to NFTs.

Origin-Byte is an ecosystem of tools, standards and smart contracts designed to make life easier for Web3 Game Developers and NFT creators. From simple artwork to complex gaming assets, we want to help you reach the public, and provide on-chain market infrastructure.

In Move, the powers of transferability and mutability are commingled, such that only the owner of a single writer object can transfer the object and mutate it within the bounds defined by its module.

Considering the broad range of NFT use cases, there are situations in which we will want NFTs to be mutated by the collection creators (e.g. Upgrading an Art collection; Increasing the damage level of an NFT in-game weapon), even though the NFTs themselves will be owned by users. There are mainly two ways to achieve this:

  • The NFT owner can send the NFT to a shared object, to be mutated accordingly
  • We can separate the NFT object from its Data object, hence allowing the Data object itself to be shared and mutated accordingly

In the OriginByte protocol, an NFT object is a hybrid object that can take two shapes:

  • The shape of an NFT that embeds is own data, aka an Embedded NFT;
  • The shape of an NFT which does not embed its own data and contains solely a pointer to its data object, aka a Loose NFT.

This design allows us to keep only one ultimate type while simultaneously allowing the NFT to embed its data or to loosely pointing to it, depending on the use case. It is also possible to dynamically join or split the data object from the NFT object, therefore allowing for arbitrary dynamic behaviour.

The NFT struct is as follows:

struct Nft<phantom T, D: store> has key, store {
        id: UID,
        data_id: ID,
        data: Option<D>,

By default it contains a pointer to its data object. A loose NFT will have the data field empty, in other words option::none(), whilst an embedded NFT will have its data object in the data field. Using the functions nft::join_nft_data() and nft::split_nft_data() we can convert back and forth between loose and embedded NFT.

Embedded NFTs

As stated, embedded NFTs have their data object wrapped within itself. A core difference between embedded and loose NFTs is that, since the embedded NFT forces its data to be wrapped by itself, it can only represent a 1-to-1 relationship with the data object. This is ideal to represent simple collections of unique NFTs such as Art or PFP collections.

In embedded NFTs, the Data object and the NFT object are minted at the same time, or in other words, in the same entry function call.

The naturally NFT release strategy for embedded NFTs is for the NFT creators to pre-mint them on-chain and transfer them to a Launchpad object, which in turns is responsible to configure the NFT Release / Primary Market Sales strategy.

To mint an embedded NFT, modules will call the function nft::mint_nft_embedded which will create the Data object as well as the Nft.

Loose NFTs

In contrast, since loose NFTs do not wrap the data object within itself, they can represent 1-to-many relationships between the data object and the NFT objects. Basically, one can mint any amount of NFTs pointing to a single data object. This is ideal to represent digital collectibles, such as digital football or baseball cards, as well as gaming items that more than one user should have access to.

Whilst Embedded NFTs have a simpler design and thus are more suitable for simple use cases, Loose NFTs are more suitable for digital collectibles and on-chain gaming items. Since they separate the data from the NFT, they can substantially reduce the amount of data redundancy you would otherwise have if you would use Embedded NFTs. A practical example is, if any creator wants to mint million of gaming NFTs it is dramatically cheaper to use the Loose NFT implementation.

In loose NFTs, the Data object is first minted and only then the NFTs associated to that object are minted.

To mint a loose NFT, modules will first create the data object on-chain and then allows the NFTs to be minted on the fly when needed, via the function call nft::mint_nft_loose.

Type Exporting

In the spirit of the design philosophy presented in this RFC, NFTs of a given NFT Collection have their own type T which is expressed as:

  • Nft<T, D>
  • Collection<T, M>

Where the following generics represent:

  • T NFT type export that types the Nft and Collection object
  • D a generic for the NFT Data object type
  • M a generic for the Collection Metadta object type

A 3-layered approach

Since the NFTs are type exported, each NFT collection will have to deploy its type-specific contract that interfaces with OriginByte modules.

Consider two sample NFT collections: Suimarines and Suiway Surfers. To launch these collections on Sui, the creators will deploy the contracts suimarines and suiway_surfers (this deployment is facilitated via our Gutenberg program). Creators will be able to choose which NFT implementation they want their collection to have (i.e. Unique NFTs, Collectibles, Composable NFTs, Tickets, Loyalty Points, etc.):

The core vision is that any developer can build a custom implementation on top of the base NFT contract. Currently we have implemented the following domain-specific modules:

  • nft_protocol::unique_nft
  • nft_protocol::collectible
  • nft_protocol::c_nft

These domain-specific modules in turn communicate with the base module nft_protocol::nft to mint the NFTs and to perform basic actions such as morphing the NFT from loose to embedded and vice-versa.

To summarise, the core NFT module is responsible for wrapping all NFTs with a unified type Nft<T> whilst still providing enough flexibility by allowing NFTs to be Embedded or Loose. The modules that build on top of it, such as the Unique, Collectible and CNft, are responsible for building NFTs with specific behaviour and metadata fields. Finally, the contracts to be deployed by the creators (e.g. Suimarines) allows all NFTs of that collection to have the same type T and therefore in conjunction with our core module create a unified type Nft<T> (e.g. Nft<SUIMARINES>).

Relationship to Collection object

Conceptually, we can think of NFTs being organized into collections. It is in essence a 1-to-many relational data model, that could, in a traditional database setup, be represented by two relational database tables, collection and nfts, where collection_id would serve as a primary key for the collection table and a foreign key to the nfts table.

In Move, the way we represent this relational model is to guarantee that the NFT objects themselves have an ID pointer to the collection UID.

To mint an NFT, projects must first create the NFT collection object, where metadata and configurations about the project will be stored. The NFT collection objects are meant to be owned by the project owners, who maintain control over the collection and its NFTs while the collection is mutable (TODO: We should separate the concept of Freezing the Collection and inherent mutability of its NFTS).

At any point in time, the collection owner can decide to make the collection immutable, which involves freezing the collection object and its associated NFTs. However, not all fields of the Collection are frozen:

  • The field current_supply will still mutate every time an NFT is minted or burned
  • Collection owners will still be able to push and pop tags onto the field tags

When minting an NFT, you need to pass on a mutable reference to the Collection object. This means that only the collection owner can perform the initial mint, unless it is a shared-object in which case anyone can.

Data Model


The collection object, Collection<phantom T, M: store>, has the following data model:

Field Type Description
id UID The UID of the collection object
name String The name of the collection
description String The description of the collection
symbol String The symbol/ticker of the collection
receiver address Address that receives the royalty proceeds
tags Tags A set of strings that categorize the domain in which the NFT operates
is_mutable bool A configuration field that dictates whether NFTs are mutable
royalty_fee_bps u64 The royalty fees creators accumulate on the sale of NFTs *
creators vector<Creator> A vector containing the information of the creators
metadata M A generic type representing the metadata object embedded in the NFT collection
  • royalty_fee_bps is currently not being utilized but will be used in the standard launchpad module.

Where Tags is a struct with the field enumerations as a VecMap<u64, String> being the set of strings representing the domains of the NFT (e.g. Art, Gaming Asset, Tickets, Loyalty Points, etc.)

Where Creators is a struct with the following fields:

  • id representing the address of the creator
  • verified which is a bool value that represents if the creator address has been verified via signed transaction (this functionality is still not implemented)
  • share_of_royalty as the percentage share that the creator has over royalty_fee_bps.

The function associated to the intial creation of the Collection is meant to be called by the standard collection std_collection contract:

  • mint which mints a collection object, with or without regulated supply, mints a MintAuthority object and transfers it to the recipient, and returns the collection object. The MintAuthority object is meant to be owned by the creators and gives them the power to either minting the NFTs (embeeded) or mint the associated data objects (loose).

The contract also exposes the following entry function to be called by the client code:

  • burn_regulated to delete a collection provided that the current supply is zero
  • freeze_collection (irreversible)
  • rename
  • change_description
  • change_symbol
  • change_receiver
  • push_tag
  • pop_tag
  • change_royalty changes the field royalty_fee_bps
  • add_creator pushes a Creator to the creators field
  • remove_creator pops a Creator from the creators field
  • ceil_supply: Regulated collections can have a cap on the maximum supply. This function call adds a value to the maximum supply.
  • increase_max_supply
  • decrease_max_supply

Mint Authority

As mentioned previously, the collection module also defines an object called MintAuthority This object gives power to the owner to mint objects for that collection. It has the following fields:

  • id
  • collection_id
  • supply_policy
    • regulated (i.e true or false)
    • supply
      • frozen (i.e. true or false)
      • max
      • current

The supply policy of a collection, defined by its corresponding Mint Authority object, can either be regulated or unregulated. A regulated supply means that every time an object is minted, a counter will be incremented and the supply.current will be increased. This essentially means that regulated supplies keep track of their supply on-chain, and therefore during the minting process nodes will have to operate a lock on the MintAuthority object during parallel mint transactions. Unregulated supplies on the other hand do not keep on-chain track of their current supply and therefore nodes will not require to operate a lock on the MintAuthority object and hence mint transactions can be fully independent from each other.

Standard Collection Metadata

The standard collection metadata object, StdMeta, has the following data model:

Field Type Description
id UID The UID of the standard collection metadata object
json String An open string field to add any arbitrary data

The functions associated to the intial creation of the Collection on-chain is meant to be called by the contract deployed by the creators:

  • mint mints a collection object, it's corresponding metadata object, and makes it a shared object

The following entry functions can be called directly by the client code:

  • burn_regulated which burns a regulated collection object and subsequently the metadata object if the NFT supply is zero. It can only be called by the MintAuthority owner

NFT (Base type)

Generic NFT object, Nft<phantom T, D: store>, has the following data model:

Field Type Description
id UID The UID of the generic NFT object
data_id ID A pointer to the collection object
data Option<D> An optional generic type representing the data object embedded in the NFT

All functions associated to this module are meant to be called by the upstream modules (i.e. Unique NFT, Collectible, cNFT modules). It has the following functions:

  • mint_nft_loose to mint a loose NFT
  • mint_nft_embedded to mint an embedded NFT
  • join_nft_data to turn a loose NFT to embedded NFT
  • split_nft_data to turn an embedded NFT to loose
  • burn_loose_nft to burn a loose NFT
  • burn_embedded_nft to burn an embedded NFT

Note that this module has no entry functions and therefore it cannot be called directly by the client code.

Unique NFT

The Unique NFT type is the our plain-vanilla type. It's the right type for a collection of unique Art NFTs and it's our simplest NFT implemenation.

Unique NFT data object, Unique, has the following data model:

Field Type Description
id UID The UID of the NFT metadata object
name String Name of the NFT object
description String Description of the NFT object
collection_id ID ID pointer to Collection object
url Url The URL of the NFT
attributes Attributes Attributes of a given NFT

Where Attributes is a struct with the field keys, the attribute keys represented as string vector, in other words the set of traits (e.g. Hat, Color of T-shirt, Fur type, etc.) and NFT has, and values of such traits (e.g. Straw Hat, White T-shirt, Blue Fur, etc.).

All functions associated to the intial creation of the NFTs on-chain are meant to be called by the contract deployed by the creators. The Unique NFT module has the following functions to be called:

  • mint_unregulated_nft to mint an NFT from a collection with unregulation supply and transfer it to the launchpad object
  • mint_regulated_nft to mint an NFT from a collection with regulated supply and transfer it to the launchpad object
  • direct_mint_unregulated_nft to mint an NFT from a collection with unregulated supply and transfer it directly to a user address
  • direct_mint_regulated_nft to mint an NFT from a collection with regulated supply and transfer it directly to a user address

The following entry functions can be called directly via the Unique NFT module:

  • burn_nft to burn an NFT

Collectible NFT

The Collectible NFT type is perfect for representing digital collectibles that aren’t typically unique.

It can be used to create collectibles like baseball or football cards, where each card has its own supply (i.e. The better the player the rarer the card). This is enabled by utilizing a Loose NFT implementation, which separates the data object from the NFTs themselves.

Example: For a collection of 100 different baseball cards, the NFT creator will create 100 data objects, with each representing a different card. Each card will have its own supply and once the data objects are minted by the NFT creators, users can come in and mint the NFTs.

Collectible NFT data object, Collectible, has the following data model:

Field Type Description
id UID The UID of the NFT metadata object
name String Name of the NFT object
description String Description of the NFT object
collection_id ID ID pointer to Collection object
url Url The URL of the NFT
attributes Attributes Attributes of a given NFT
supply Supply Object determining Supply limit of the NFT

Where Attributes is a struct with the field keys, the attribute keys represented as string vector, in other words the set of traits (e.g. Hat, Color of T-shirt, Fur type, etc.) and NFT has, and values of such traits (e.g. Straw Hat, White T-shirt, Blue Fur, etc.).

All functions associated to the initial creation of the NFT Data objects on-chain are meant to be called by the contract deployed by the creators. The Collectible module has the following functions to be called:

  • mint_unregulated_nft_data to create the data object associated to an NFT from a collection with unregulated supply
  • mint_regulated_nft_data to create the data object associated to an NFT from a collection with regulated supply

The minting of the NFTs themselves occurs in the launchpad phase, via the function call nft::mint_loose_nft.

The module has the following entry functions that can be called directly:

  • burn_regulated_collection_nft_data to destroy a given NFT data object if the supply is zero
  • burn_nft to burn an NFT

Composable cNFTs

The Composable NFT type (cNFT) will take NFTs to a whole new level by allowing them to be merged to create Combo NFTs.

At its core our cNFT implementation is similar to our Collectibles implementation in that each different NFT (data object) can have its own supply. The key difference is that in this implementation, the creators can define composability rules by calling compose_data_objects.

By calling this function creators are essentially defining which, and how many times NFTs can be merged together. These characteristics make cNFTs perfect for collections with Tradable Traits.

Example: Think of a game like Runescape where you can merge copper and tin to make bronze, or wood and stone to make an axe.

Alternatively, in a conventional NFT collection, cNFTs could be used by creators to allow the merging of two NFTs (or traits) to create a new one. As individual metadata fields can be NFTs themselves, you could allow the combination of two rare skin types to create an entirely new one!

Composable NFT (cNFT) data object, Composable<C: store + copy>, has the following data model:

Field Type Description
id UID The UID of the NFT metadata object
data Option<Data> Composable Data objects can have some Data struct attached to it. Currently, only the objects at the leaf nodes of the composability tree have Data whilst the others have `option::none()
collection_id ID The ID of the NFT Collection
supply Supply Each composable has its own supply. This allows for configuration scarcity. If two objects, both with a supply of 10, merge to produce a composably of both, this composable object can have its own supply. This means that even if both leaf node objects have supply of 10, if the supply of the root node composable object is 5 then the NFTs can only be merge up to 5 times.
componenets VecMap<ID, C> A VecMap storing a list of C structs which represent cloned versions of the constituent objects. These structs do not have key ability and can be copied for the sake of clonability. It is structured as VecMap such that we can have the original object IDs as the key for each C

The Data objects have the following fields:

  • name
  • description
  • url
  • attributes

All functions associated to the initial creation of the constituent NFT Data objects on-chain are meant to be called by the contract deployed by the creators. The cNFT module has the following functions to be called:

  • mint_unregulated_nft_data to create the data object associated to an NFT from a collection with unregulated supply
  • mint_regulated_nft_data to create the data object associated to an NFT from a collection with regulated supply

The minting of the constituent NFTs themselves occurs in the launchpad phase, via the function call nft::mint_loose_nft. The minting of the Combo NFTs occurs at a later phase when NFT owners decide to merge the NFTs they own.

And has the following entry functions to be called directly by the client code:

  • compose_data_objects is a permissioned method to be called by the NFT creators, creating combo data objects. Combo objects serve as a mechanism to describe which NFTs can be merged. Merging two NFTs is only allowed if there is an associated combo object for such merger.
  • mint_c_nft is responsible for merging NFTs and transfering the Combo NFT to the owner.
  • split_c_nft performs the opposite action of mint_c_nft. It burns the Combo NFT and returns the constituent NFTs back to the owner.
  • burn_nft burns an NFT

Slingshot Launchpad

In order for NFT creators to better control the flow of creating and releasing NFTs to the public we have created a launchpad module called Slingshot. Slingshot allows you to define what market primitive you want to utilise (i.e. Fixed Price sales, Auctions, etc.) and to break down your sales strategy into tiers, which with their own whitelisting configuration.

The Slingshot object, Slingshot<phantom T, M>, has the following data model:

Field Type Description
id UID The UID of the Slingshot object
collection_id ID The ID of the NFT Collection object
live bool Boolean indicating if the sale is live
admin address The address of the administrator
receiver address The address of the receiver of funds
sales vector<Sale<T, M>> Vector of all Sale outleds that, each outles holding IDs owned by the slingshot
is_embedded bool Field determining if NFTs are embedded or loose

All functions associated to creation and deletion of the Launchpad are meant to be called by the upstream modules (i.e. currently only the Fixed Price module):

  • create to create the Slingshot launchpad (called by the market module)
  • delete to destroy the Slingshot launchpad (called by the market module)

Whereas entry functions associated to redeeming the NFTs can be called directly by the client code:

  • claim_nft_embedded to redeem an embedded NFT
  • claim_nft_loose to redeem a loose NFT

Note: One can only claim an NFT after having bought the NFT certificate from the sale. This action occurs directly in the market module.

Fixed Price Market

The Fixed Price Market object, Market, has the following data model:

Field Type Description
id UID The UID of the Slingshot object
price u64 The price of a NFT for sale in SUI

Market modules export two functions two types of launchpads. These functinos are meant to be called by the contract deployed by the NFT creators:

  • create_single_market to create a Single Fixed Price launchpad with option for whitelisting rules
  • create_multi_market to create a Fixed Price launchpad with tiered sales, in that NFTs to be sold can be seggregated by sales outlets, each with different prices and different options for whitelisting rules

The market modules also have entry functions that are meant to be called directly by the client code:

  • buy_nft_certificate to buy an NFT certificate from a permissionless Sales outlet
  • buy_whitelisted_nft_certificate to buy an NFT certificate from a whitelisted Sales outlet

In addition, the administrator of the Launchpad can call the following function:

  • new_price permissioned entry function to change the price of the sale

Guides for NFT Creators, Wallets and Marketplaces

Note: This section needs to be developed.

Deploy a simple NFT collection

To deploy your own NFT collection follow our guide on how to use Gutenberg to automagically generate your collection specific Move module.