If you patch a python lib in your local virtual env. forku ("fork you") tries to fork the repo and apply the patch.
(This only works if a repo can be found for that library.)
forku requires the following:
- python3
- git
- gh (github cli) : https://cli.github.com/
- virtualenv
python3 -m pip install forku
Pass forku the library you have patched. i.e. python3 -m forku -l theirlib
cd someproject
. venv/bin/activate
python3 -m forku -l domonic
i.e. This would fork the domonic library from github, then move the patches you made to venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/domonic to the fork and push it back to github.
It currently makes a lot of assumption, so wont work for many cases.
- assumes git
- assumes latest version of lib. Careful. If not this could result in reverting code in the target library.
- assumes you have virtualenv
- assumes you are in the correct directory
- assume a dist-info folder exists with METADATA with a Home-page
- assumes you have a github account
- assumes linux?? not sure
See README.md for more information.
- add support for other git repos like bitbucket
- add support for other python libs
- add support for other os
- add support for other packing systems
This is a work in progress. use at your own risk.