Web3 Token is a new way to authenticate users in a hybrid dApps using signed messages. Implementation of EIP-4361.
- 1
SIWE message
#55 opened by FranRom - 2
Tampered body doesn't brake the verification
#42 opened by herzog0 - 2
Add nonce check in verify function
#54 opened by HelloRickey - 1
Number can only safely store up to 53 bits
#53 opened by grallc - 3
Feature request: Export decrypt function
#50 opened by aleciten - 1
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- 0
rebase origin code
#48 opened by daniel-tmp - 0
rebase origin code
#47 opened by daniel-tmp - 5
Unable to execute verify function
#46 opened by aph5nt - 2
Property 'domain' of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to 'string' index type 'string | string[]
#45 opened by alvaro-7x - 2
Type error: 'Web3Token' only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here.
#20 opened by coindegen - 1
Incorrect type for verify() output
#43 opened by bluenex - 1
Time always 1days
#44 opened by rharkor - 3
Is there any way to make this smaller?
#29 opened by GibsDev - 2
- 3
Invalid `domain` although it should be valid
#33 opened by Drarig29 - 0
Use `new URL()` instead of regex in isUrl()
#34 opened by Drarig29 - 10
Signature body - prepend a message?
#10 opened by JohnRSim - 0
About JAVA Backend support
#31 opened by bobliao666 - 0
Future Solana Support?
#30 opened by 11reed - 0
Import UMD in browser
#28 opened by Drarig29 - 1
Why do you await verify?
#27 opened by Drarig29 - 0
ESlint errors
#23 opened by Drarig29 - 0
Test signing server-side
#21 opened by Drarig29 - 0
Test not passing because error is thrown
#22 opened by Drarig29 - 2
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New version not published
#14 opened by Rieranthony - 13
Cross origin token usage attack?
#8 opened by kaaboaye - 1
what if malicious user gets access to signature and encode token with new expiry date?
#13 opened by ethdev279 - 1
- 2
ReferenceError: Web3 is not defined
#5 opened by vanvuongngo - 3
Verify() returns invalid ethereal address
#1 opened by markusbug