
C++ Minor Projects

Primary LanguageC++

Minor C++ Projects

  • Fibonacci Calculator
  • Function Overload Example
  • Palindrome Checker
  • Parameter Passing


Fibonacci Class:
Fibonacci number at 17'th place: 1597
Fibonacci number at 22'th place: 17711

FunctionOverload Class:
[int]    Function overload example: 17 + 22 = 39
[float]  Function overload example: 1.27 + 1.27 = 2.54
[double] Function overload example: 1.23457 + 1.23457 = 2.46913

Palindrome Class:
71417 is a palindrome!
12345 is not a palindrome!

ParameterPassing Class:
This parameter is passed by value: 17
The memory allocation of the parameter: 0x62fe60
This parameter is passed by reference: 17
The memory allocation of the parameter: 0x62fe60