To Install it manually

  • Unzip the plugin in the moodle .../customfield directory.

To Use it

Just add a custom field of type file to any object that supports it e.g. a course.

To style it

If you want to override how a specific instance of this custom field gets rendered (e.g. embed an image tag rather than a list of links) you can do this within your theme as follows (boost used as an example... don't hack core!).

Create a file to override the custom field renderer here:


This file can then contain a function that will override how a specific custom field will get displayed - the function must be named 'render_customfield' followed by the component (e.g. core_course) and area (e.g. 'course) of the custom field handler followed by the shortname of the custom field (e.g. thumbnailimage). See example implementation below:

namespace theme_boost\output;

use core_customfield\output\renderer;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;

class core_customfield_renderer extends renderer {
    public function render_customfield_core_course_course_thumbnailimage($model) {
        return $this->render_from_template('customfield_file/exportvalue', $model);

Variant: if you want to be more flexible in your code, you can create a more general renderer:


class core_customfield_renderer extends renderer {
    public function render_customfield_core_course_course($model, $fieldshortname) { //see the missing "_thumbnailimage" in the function's name
        if ($fieldname != "thumbnailimage")
        {   //in this case, the default renderer of this module will be used.
            return false;
        return $this->render_from_template('customfield_file/exportvalue', $model);


The module has been written and is currently maintained by Andrew Hancox on behalf of Open Source Learning.

Useful links