
moleculer template for byte microservices

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


moleculer template for byte microservices

What is this?

This is a moleculer template for Byte Technology micro-services. This will provide a functional service along with required packages and tooling to build a micro-service for the Byte Technology cloud backend.


  • Install Node.js (preferred version 12 or higher) and npm.
  • Setup micro-dev-environment (BYTE_SW_MICRO_REPO_PATH should be set)
  • Install moleculer comman line interface sudo npm install -g moleculer-cli

Create new service:

  1. Create new service code via moleculer-cli. Below command will create service basing on master branch of micro-service-template repo in BYTE_SW_MICRO_REPO_PATH:
moleculer init --no-install "bytetechnology/micro-service-template" micro-<SERVICE_NAME>

You can specify branch using #:

moleculer init --no-install "bytetechnology/micro-service-template#my/branch" micro-<SERVICE_NAME>
  1. Add your new service to git repo https://github.com/bytetechnology/micro-<SERVICE_NAME>

  2. Add new service from BYTE_SW_MICRO_REPO_PATH/micro-dev-environment

sh add-new-service.sh <SERVICE_NAME>

At point 3. you created new file micro-dev-environment/docker-compose.<SERVICE_NAME>.yml - it is definition of container that serves you to run service in dev env. To use it just call from micro-dev-environment sh up.sh -d.

Development of new service

You have 2 options for development:

  1. Run service on host OS - can be faster but you will be only able to run tests (no dev mode runtime)
  2. Run service in container.

! Imporant:

  • If you made npm install from host OS and you want to work inside container then remove node_modules direcory and install it again from inside container. The same for opposite scenario.

1. Run service on host OS:


Windows: - npm i -g windows-build-tools via admin powershell

Linux: - apk add --no-cache make gcc g++ python git

  • npm install from micro-<SERVICE_NAME> dir. If failed try multiple times.
  • npm test to run tests

2. Run inside container:


  • After you've created new .yml file via sh add-new-service.sh <SERIVCE_NAME> you should have running container for your new service. From BYTE_SW_MICRO_REPO_PATH/micro-dev-environment call sh up.sh


  • go into container. From micro-<SERVICE_NAME> dir call:
  • sh enter-container
  • npm install
  • npm test to run tests
  • npm run dev to run service in development environment with interactive moleculer-cli.


  • Services need to be written in TypeScript.
  • 100% unit test coverage is expected.
  • Run npm run lint and fix any issues before checking in.
  • Format your code ``npm run format`. There should be NO comments in code reviews about format issues.

Production deployment

There is a Dockerfile that will generate a production ready docker image:

docker build -t "bytetechnology/<service>:latest" .

For developer of micro-{{serviceName}}

  • Do not modify src/lib - it is readonly
  • Do not modify filenames or export names of (files used by src/lib):
    • api/index.ts
    • env.schema.ts
    • service.types.ts
  • Server framework - moleculer + TypeScript overlay libs
  • DB framework - mikro-orm
  • Data Validation (config and payloads) - joiful.
  • Don't try to put index.ts inside src/lib (briefly - you may end up with undefined dependencies at runtime).

Feel free to update above list.