iOS Development Starter (with Swift and SwiftUI)

Training Courses

1) CS193P Stanford University

Website and materials:

Video recordings:


  • Memorize
  • EmojiArt

2) Apple Official - iOS App Dev Tutorial

Website and materials:


  • Scrumdinger

3) Apple Official - SwiftUI Tutorial

Website and materials:


  • Landmarks

4) Apple Official - Sample Apps Tutorials

Website and materials:

Projects: (These are Swift Playground files, but can also be opened by Xcode 13.2 and later)

  • Navigation
    • About me
    • Choose your own story
    • Date planner
  • Presenting content
    • Organizing with grids
    • Editing grids
    • Image gallery
  • Retrieving content from server
    • Meme creator
  • Responding to user input
    • Bubble level
    • Seismometer
    • Recognizing gestures