
A parallel implementation of Mandelbrot fractals with GTK gui

Primary LanguageC++

Mandelbrot and Julia set parallel project

This project was born for my master degree course "Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems". I love the curious pictures that fractals could generate so I chose the Mandelbrot and Julia set to deepen parallel computing. These are the diffrent type of parallelism I've implemented:

  • PThread - Posix Thread
  • MPI - openmpi implementation of messagge passing
  • GPGPU - Cuda on nvidia device

The code is written in C and it has a common part to manage the GUI and the init/end code. It works on linux, so if you use Windows.. please, install linux :)
The algorithm is what it's called an embarassingly parallel algorithm, there's no dependency between pixels (the data). The architecture is a classic Master-Slave with dynamic tasks assignment, each slave ask for new job and the master assign it.
In GUI mode it's possibile to move up, down, left, right and zoom-in or zoom-out with the keyboard. Source files are named with cpp extension for compatibility between different modules compilation.

Note: Please take this project as material of study or just to pick some ideas. I'm not a genius of parallel computing, I just like it. Also, I do not rule out that there's no errors in the code (argh!) by the way it output beautiful images.

julia set example


The project is divided in modules so you can install just the part you need
mandatory: gcc, libgtk-3-dev, libcairo2-dev
one of: pthread, cuda-toolkit, openmpi

Compile the project

Use the makefile to compile the project

make mandel[mpi|pth|gpu|seq]    # compile only mpi or pth,gpu,sequential version
make all                        # compile all versions
make clean                      # delete all object modules and executables


-iter 200                   # maximum of 200 iterations per point
-julia [-r=0.1 -i=-1.2]     # julia set instead mandelbrot
                            # "-r" and "-i" specifies the Complex start constant
-n 56                       # use exactly 56 threads or threads per block on gpu
                            # use -np argument of mpirun for mpi
-g 4                        # granularity of the algorithm, divide the matrix in x parts

Execution examples

./mandel*** args            # graphic output, opens a gtk window
./mandel*** -t args         # textual output, follow the sequence in the config.ini
./mandel*** -t -g args      # textual output and at the end of the sequence,
                            # opens the gtk window and continue in graphic mode
mpirun ./mandelmpi -n 4