
Eventually this will house the notes, code and information from CC Fest LA 2017. For now this is my punchlist of bugs and things to talk about during the workshop.

Documentation and Notes

  • Elbow Room

  • What was that??

  • list of install requirements

    • NodeJS
    • node-gyp
      • http-server or equivalent
    • spacebrewP5
    • spacebrew.p5js
    • lodash
    • w3.css
    • elm?? (talk about)
  • running

    • start spacebrew (node forever)
    • get your IP Address
    • run client with IP address URL
  • outline of talk

    • background
      • code and failing
      • Processing and community
      • CEE kids and physical -> social
    • Flavia and Ashleigh-Jean King
    • Robert and game
    • Geffen and Design Thinking I-Track
      • This is a big ol experiment
  • what is going to be covered

    • w3 Css
      • demo with hover screen for elbow room start button
    • Spacebrew
      • demo with place message?

Punch List

__* Jump
__* Shuffle the color order
* remember to replicate the JSON on the client

  • Put a frame on the board

  • Reset Game

  • Reset Player

  • Indicator to know players

  • For pixel check you have to check all pixels between prevPos and current

  • Add Player Connection Form

  • Feedback when dead

  • Sounds

  • Better dead icon