
A collection of alexa.design links to easily find information you need as a Skill Builder

Alexa.Design Links Collection

A collection of alexa.design links to easily find information you need as a Skill Builder 🗣

Link Topic
alexa.design Alexa Developer Portal homepage
alexa.design/japan Alexa Developer Portal Japanese homepage
alexa.design/india Alexa Skills Kit in India
alexa.design/uk Alexa Skills Kit in the UK and Ireland
alexa.design/germany Alexa Skills Kit in Germany
alexa.design/france Alexa Skills Kit in France
alexa.design/italy Alexa Skills Kit in Italy
alexa.design/spain Alexa Skills Kit in Spain
alexa.design/blog Alexa Blogs
Alexa Skills : Learn
alexa.design/live Amazon Alexa Twitch Channel
alexa.design/videotutorial Video Series: Building Alexa Skills from Scratch
alexa.design/cdw Design for Conversation workshop
Alexa Skills : Design
alexa.design/guide Alexa Design Guide
alexa.design/dialogsketch Amazon Storywriter
Alexa Skills : Certification
alexa.design/certification Alexa Skills Certification Tips
alexa.design/promote Tips on promoting your Alexa Skill
Alexa Skills : Monetization
alexa.design/credits AWS Promotional Credits for Alexa
alexa.design/rewards Alexa Developer Rewards
alexa.design/monetization Monetize your Alexa Skill
alexa.design/isp In-Skill Purchasing Overview
alexa.design/amazonpay Amazon Pay for Alexa Skills
Alexa Skills : Build
alexa.design/blueprints Alexa Skill Blueprints
alexa.design/parity Alexa Skills Kit Features and Tools Release Update
alexa.design/hosted Alexa Hosted Skills
alexa.design/interactionmodel Interaction Model
alexa.design/entityresolution Define Synonyms and IDs for Slot Type Values (Entity Resolution)
alexa.design/dialog-management Build Advanced Alexa Skills Using Dialog Management
alexa.design/dialog Dialog Interface Documentation
alexa.design/ssml Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Reference
alexa.design/accountlinking Account Linking
alexa.design/audioplayer AudioPlayer Interface Reference
alexa.design/settings-api Settings API
alexa.design/profile-api Customer Profile API
alexa.design/apl Alexa Presentation Language (APL) Documentation
alexa.design/displaytemplates Skills for Alexa-Enabled Devices With a Screen
alexa.design/display Display Interface Reference
alexa.design/displaycards Best Practices for Skill Card Design
alexa.design/kids Create Kid Skills for Alexa
Alexa Skills : SDKs & Tools
alexa.design/nodesdk ASK SDK for Node.js GitHub
alexa.design/python ASK SDK for Python GitHub
alexa.design/java ASK SDK for Java GitHub
alexa.design/cli Alexa Skills Kit Command Line Interface (ASK CLI)
alexa.design/smapi Alexa Skill Management API (SMAPI)
alexa.design/github Alexa on Github
alexa.design/codegenerator Code Generator for ASK Node.js SDKv2
alexa.design/icons Alexa Icon Builder for Skills
Alexa Voice Service
alexa.design/get-started AVS getting started documentation
alexa.design/devkits Development Kits for AVS
alexa.design/AVSdeviceSDK AVS Device SDK github
alexa.design/security AVS Security best pratices
alexa.design/avs-tutorials AVS Tutorials
Connected Devices
alexa.design/wwa Works with Alexa Program homepage
alexa.design/smarthome Connect Your Devices to Alexa (SmartHome)
alexa.design/visualSDK Alexa Smart Screen and TV Device SDK
alexa.design/gadgets Alexa Gadgets Toolkit
Get Help
alexa.design/contactus Alexa Contact Us Form
alexa.design/forums Alexa Forums
alexa.design/champions Alexa Champions