Template Project Repo

  • Project repos should be named [TeamName]_[semesterletter][twodigityear]

High-level folders

We will use this repo for your team to collaborate on all projects in this class. Hence, you may want to have a project folder for each project and move the folders listed below into each project.

  • proposals - Notes on project proposals. Could be pdfs or .md files.
  • results - contains the deliverables or details on the deliverables from the project.
  • scripts - contains the final scripts. Each script should be concise and mapped to the deliverables in the results folder.
  • data has files that are smaller than 100mb provided by the client. Note that a data/big_data folder can be created in the repository and that it will be ignored for data larger than 100mb. You would also include details in the readme about where the original data for the project is located.
  • documents contains any other reference_material.