
A plugin API for developers

Primary LanguageJava

PathfinderAPI - More Convenient for Developers in Entity Attribute


PathfinderAPI 是一个为开发者提供的 Spigot/Bukkit/PaperSpigot 插件。 我们致力于更好的创建实体的PathfinderGoal(更通俗的说法是AI)。 如果你有能力赞助我们,请前往爱发电平台为我们发电,这对我们很重要。

PathfinderAPI is a Spigot/Bukkit/PaperSpigot Plugin for developers in the most situations. We are committed to better creation of PathfinderGoal for entities (more commonly known as AI). If you have the ability to sponsor us, please go to AFDIAN platform to support us , it is important to us.

For Developers

这里是 Wiki。

There is some help in the wiki.

For Server Operators

只需要将它放到你的 Spigot/Bukkit/PaperSpigot 服务器就可以了。如果没有插件支持它不会干任何事。

Just download it and put it in your Spigot/Bukkit/PaperSpigot Server.It won't do anything on its own if there is no plugin supporting it.


MCBBS: https://www.mcbbs.net/thread-993486-1-1.html

SPIGOTMC: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/pathfinderapi.76339/