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Primary LanguageJavaScript

A web client for the Detroit Labs Money app built using React w/Redux

This repo is a Work-In-Progress.

The goal of this project is to rewrite the current web client for the Money app found in the https://github.com/detroit-labs/coin-craft-web repo. Though that project currently is working in production, there are several reasons to consider eventually replacing it with a rewrite:

  1. Timing. With the recent migration of the API from heroku to Firebase Cloud Functions, the currently-existing web app would need significant updates. The team in general felt that it would be more worthwhile to direct those efforts to a new code base.

  2. Improvements to UI and app structure. The current app currently combines employee and admin features on the same page. The goal is to move the admin functionality to its own screen.

  3. Maintainability. Labs currently has more devs familiar with React, increasing the pool of maintainers and contributors.

  4. Opportunity. Provides an opportunity for those wanting to learn React/Redux to contribute to a Labs product.

Related Repos

https://github.com/detroit-labs/coin-craft-web https://github.com/detroit-labs/coin-craft-functions https://github.com/detroit-labs/coin-craft-android https://github.com/detroit-labs/coin-craft-ios https://github.com/detroit-labs/coin-craft-api (deprecated)

Useful Links

https://material-ui.com https://medium.com/productivity-freak/my-atom-editor-setup-for-js-react-9726cd69ad20 https://medium.com/@tacomanator/environments-with-create-react-app-7b645312c09d