bzafiris's Following
- Vginis
- kolovosUniversity of York
- pvassilUniv. Ioannina, Dept. Computer Science & Engineering
- karpathyStanford
- ggerganov@ggml-org
- brendandburnsMicrosoft
- arcuri82Oslo, Norway
- zarras
- quarkusioThe clouds
- google-researchEarth
- Mozilla-Ocho
- chriskormarisXM
- VaughnVernonKalele
- cerEventuate, Inc
- facebookresearchMenlo Park, California
- jbosstoolsEarth
- ArchitectingSoftware
- jakartaee
- ReactiveX
- typetools
- andreas-zellerCenter for IT-Security, Privacy, and Accountability (CISPA)
- GoogleContainerTools
- JordanSamhiUniversity of Luxembourg
- billk97Cosmote Payment aka Payzy (HTO)
- dimitrisvassis
- emmgiak
- cgeopapaGreece
- KentBeck@MechanicalOrchard
- louridasAthens, Greece
- fokaefsYork University
- mfamelis
- katerinapal
- kelseyhightowerWashington
- MrGoumX@skroutz
- tushartusharDalhousie University
- gousiosgEndor Labs