
Tool that generates a UIView subclass from your PaintCode generated StyleKit source code.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Tool that generates a UIView subclass from your PaintCode generated StyleKit source code. Inspired by R.swift and a lack of NSInvocation in Swift.

How it Works

The command line tool in this project will search the generated StyleKit Swift code for drawing functions matching the pattern func drawCanvasName(#frame: CGRect, tintColor: UIColor). Then it will create a a StyleKitCanvas enumeration and StyleKitView class.


  1. Download a release, unzip it and put it into your source root directory
  2. In XCode: Click on your project in the file list, choose your target under TARGETS, click the Build Phases tab and add a New Run Script Phase by clicking the little plus icon in the top left
  3. Drag the new Run Script phase above the Compile Sources phase, expand it and paste the following script: "$SRCROOT/StyleKitSwiftExtractor"
  4. Build your project, in Finder you will now see a StyleKitView.generated.swift in the $SRCROOT-folder, drag the StyleKitView.generated.swift files into your project and uncheck Copy items if needed

Tip: Add the *.generated.swift pattern to your .gitignore file to prevent unnecessary conflicts.