Python/Cython implementation of the: "Factorizing Personalized Markov Chains for Next-Basket Recommendation" paper.
Only works for baskets of size=1. Shoulde be easy to change to other sizes. Our datasets only have these sized baskets.
- Cython
- Numpy
- Pandas
Clone the repo
$ git clone
Make sure you have cython and numpy. If not run as root (or use your distros package manager)
$ pip install numpy
$ pip install Cython
$ python install
Run the main script or the cross_val script:
$ python data_file num_latent_factors model.h5
This will read the data_file, decompose with num_latent_factors and save the model under the filename model.h5
The model is a pandas HDFStore. Just read-it with:
import pandas as pd
The keys of this store have the output matrices described in the paper.
The input file should have this format:
dt user from to
That is, a tab separated file where the first column is the amount of time the user
spent on from
before going to to
. The second column is the user id, the third
is the from
object, whereas the fourth is the destination to
object. I used
this input on other repositores, thus the main reason I kept it here.
This code will ignore the first column, so you can just use any float.
.. [1] Rendle, S. and Freudenthaler, C. and Schmidt-Thieme, L. "Factorizing Personalized Markov Chains for Next-Basket Recommendation" - WWW 2010