
This repo contains scripts for text summarization evaluation using predictive models.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repo contains scripts for text summarization evaluation using predictive models. There are 12 regressors provided (see models.py file for an example).

Requirements, Installation, and Usage

The score calculation is done using the summ_eval package, so you need to download it first. You can set up summ_eval either via pip:

pip install summ_eval

Or clone the repo into cal_scores/ directory and install it manually:

git clone https://github.com/Yale-LILY/SummEval.git
cd evaluation
pip install -e .

For setup and usage details, please see the original summ_eval repo here. (Note that the original repo might be updated so make sure to follow the updated setup instructions in that case). In addition, the human annotated dataset can also be obtained from the link provided by summ_eval. Once the package is setup, copy the JS_metric file into the directory cal_scores/SummEval/evaluation/summ_eval in case JS metrics are needed.

There are two ways to calculate the metric scores. For small samples of summaries, you can import the MetricScorer class we provided and calculate a pair of summaries like the following example:

example_cand = "cats and dogs have the advantage over marine pets in that they can interact with humans through the sense of touch."
example_ref = "cats and dogs can interact with humans through the sense of touch, therefore they have the advantage over marine pets."

scorer = MetricScorer()
# ROUGE-WE metrics
rwe_1 = scorer.get_rouge_we(example_cand, example_ref, n_gram=1)
rwe_2 = scorer.get_rouge_we(example_cand, example_ref, n_gram=2)
rwe_3 = scorer.get_rouge_we(example_cand, example_ref, n_gram=3)
print("rouge_we n_gram=1: ")

bleu_scores = scorer.get_bleu(example_cand, example_ref)

meteor_scores = scorer.get_meteor(example_cand, example_ref)

However, for large samples of summaries, we recommend following the instructions from summ_eval and use the command line interface to calculate metric scores, as they will be much faster. For example, to calculate ROUGE and BertScore of candidate and reference summaries in a json file and write the results to output.jsonl, the following command-line calc-scores is provided by the package:

calc-scores --config-file=examples/basic.config --metrics "rouge, bert_score" --jsonl-file data.jsonl --output-file rouge_bertscore.jsonl

Training and Evaluating

We recommend fine tune the model or re-train the model if you have a larger human annotated dataset available. To extract features, use the get_features_as_df function in the file feature-extract.py. This function runs the command-line interface calc-scores and converts the results to a pandas dataframe object. It’s also possible to run the calc-scores command manually and call the function scores_json_to_df in the df_util.py file.

Once the features are ready, you can simply use the regressors for training (see a set of regressors regressive_dict in the models.py file). There are 12 regressors and most of them are using scikit-learn:

regr_dict_regularized = {
    regr_forest: RandomForestRegressor(n_jobs=-1, random_state=random_state),
    regr_dtree: DecisionTreeRegressor(random_state=random_state, max_depth=3),
    regr_lin: LinearRegression(n_jobs=-1),
    regr_mlp: MLPRegressor(random_state=random_state),
    regr_lin_svr: LinearSVR(epsilon=1.5, random_state=random_state),
    regr_ridge: Ridge(alpha=1, solver='cholesky'),
    regr_adaboost: AdaBoostRegressor(DecisionTreeRegressor(random_state=random_state, max_depth=3), n_estimators=200,learning_rate=0.5, random_state=random_state),
    regr_bagging: BaggingRegressor(DecisionTreeRegressor(random_state=random_state, max_depth=3), n_estimators=100,max_samples=1.0, bootstrap=True,n_jobs=-1),
    regr_voting: VotingRegressor(estimators=[(regr_ridge, Ridge(alpha=1, solver='cholesky')), (regr_forest, RandomForestRegressor(n_jobs=-1)),
                    (regr_mlp, MLPRegressor())], n_jobs=-1),
    regr_grad_boost: GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=150,random_state=random_state),
    regr_stacking: StackingRegressor(estimators=[(regr_ridge, Ridge(alpha=1, solver='cholesky')), (regr_lin_svr, LinearSVR(epsilon=1.5)),(regr_mlp, MLPRegressor())],
        final_estimator=RandomForestRegressor(n_jobs=-1, n_estimators=10, 		 random_state=11), n_jobs=-1)

To predict the similarity score of a collection of candidate and reference summaries, use the evaluate_from_path function, pass the path of the file containing pairs of candidate and reference summaries.

print(f"----------- Extract features ----------------")
df_features = get_features_as_df(args)
feature_combine = args.feature_combine
if feature_combine == 20:
    cols = filter_coherence_features[:20]
    col_name = "Filter20"
elif feature_combine == 5:
    cols = filter_coherence_features[:5]
    col_name = "Filter5"
df_features = df_features.loc[:, cols].copy()
print(f"----------- Predict scores ----------------")
predict_score(df_features=df_features, save_to=args.save_to, is_nn=True, col_name=col_name)
print("------------- Prediction Done ---------------")

The above code calculates the scores for the summary file specified by the summary_path variable, then extracts features using these scores. The default size of the feature set is 20 and the default regressor is NNReg. The predicted scores will be saved to the path specified by the save_to variable.


This work will not be possible without some awesome works as a foundation. The score calculations are mostly done by SummEval and we recommend cite it as well if you use this repo. Also, the summ_eval package in turn uses many tools from other projects like the scripts for score calculations from original papers.